The Financial Aid Office will only discuss a student’s personal financial aid information with the student or university personnel with a legitimate need to know. All other persons inquiring about a student’s account will not be given any information except in the following situations:
- Parents whose financial information was provided on their student’s Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) may receive details as necessary during the verification process.
- If the student is physically or technologically present with a 3rd party, such as a parent, spouse, or other individuals, and the student expressly consents to the disclosure of personal financial aid information, the 3rd party may receive information. Three-way calling, Zoom, and other technological resources are acceptable means to allow these individuals to be present during a financial aid meeting.
- The person inquiring must have a fully executed and legally binding Power of Attorney. Power of Attorney documentation must be submitted to the Financial Aid Office before any student information is released and is subject to verification by the University.
- In response to a valid subpoena, court order, or as may otherwise be required by law.