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Employee Scheduling

Save time and hassle by scheduling your event with Virtual EMS.

A Centralized Service for Your Scheduling Needs

Two female students employees answer telephones in the Scheduling Office at BYU-Idaho.
Save time by centralizing your scheduling needs. The Event Management System (EMS) software provides single entry data for scheduling rooms, adding resources, and publishing your event to the public BYU-Idaho online calendar.
Keep in mind:
  1. University policies apply to all events on campus. Familiarized yourself with the General Guidelines for facility use.
  2. Know what you are planning. Event resources are just as critical as finding an open event space. Use the Event Planning tips and checklist to ensure you have everything you need for your event.
  3. Contact the Scheduling Office to initiate your event request.
NOTE: If your event includes an audience beyond your normal stewardship (e.g. high school students, campus-wide BYU-Idaho students, or the Rexburg community) or you are proposing to co-sponsor an event with an outside entity, additional clearance is required. Use the Questions for Hosting External Groups list to submit your plans.

Schedule a Room

Employee Scheduling Resources

Questions about how and when to schedule a room and additional support.
Helpful videos about event ticketing, ushering, and event publishing.
Videos about how to integrate EMS with Outlook to save scheduling time.