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Serve Your Fellow Employees

BYU-Idaho faculty walking down the halls

Teach a Wellness Seminar

Wellness seminars are a one-hour meeting held once a semester where a health topic is taught to employees on campus. The topic can focus on any aspect of wellness within the following topics: physical health, personal & social, work & career, family, spiritual, financial, mind & action.

If you would like to teach a seminar, please sign-up below.

Sign-up to Teach a Wellness Seminar

Become A Wellness Champion

Are you passionate about your own wellbeing? Would you like to help encourage others around you to focus on their wellbeing? If yes, then being a Wellness Champion would be perfect for you!

Wellness Champions are BYU-I employees who collaborate with the HR Wellness Team to establish a positive culture and environment for the employees in their department. They also facilitate health and well-being awareness, education, and engagement support in wellness initiative activities and programs.

To learn more about becoming a Wellness Champion for your department, contact the Wellness Team at for more information.

If you would like to become a Wellness Champion, please sign-up below.

Sign-up to become a Wellness Champion