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Faculty Experience

Why teach at BYU-Idaho?

If you're interested in empowering students, developing discipleship, and helping shape the future, we want to hear from you!

Watch this short video to hear from some of our faculty members about why they chose to teach at BYU-Idaho.
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Characteristics of Faculty

Help students realize their full potential at BYU-Idaho. With smaller classroom sizes, instructors have the ability to work with students individually and mentor them one-on-one.
View BYU-Idaho's Mission Statement

BYU-Idaho Learning Model

BYU-Idaho's Learning Model provides a common framework for both teachers and learners to create a student-centered and faith-based environment conducive to learning.
Learn More About The Learning Model
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Three Track System
BYU-Idaho operates on a three track system which allows the university to serve thousands of additional students through better utilization of campus resources and facilities. Students are admitted to a track consisting of two semesters; Fall/Winter, Winter/Spring, or Fall/Spring. Full time faculty members teach across these three tracks. Fall semester usually starts the 3rd week in September and Spring semester ends by July 24th.
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Teaching Responsibility
Teaching and advising students is the primary responsibility of full-time faculty. Faculty are assigned 36 load hours to teach across the three tracks each year (with up to 6 hours of this load may be used for professional development). Semesters last approximately 14 weeks. Preceding and following semesters, faculty members attend meetings, grade papers, perform professional development activities, etc.
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Continuing Faculty Status
BYU-Idaho does not have distinctions in faculty rank such as assistant professor, associate professor, or full professor. During the first three years, new instructors participate in a three-year long mentoring program and qualification process called Continuing Faculty Status (CFS) that is structured to assist them in qualifying for ongoing employment.
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Faculty Dress and Grooming Standards
Employees teach students through example and counsel how to make choices that exemplify these principles and expectations while recognizing that the roles of employees and students are distinct from each other and their choices will reflect these differences. Employees have a higher standard

for dress and grooming.

When choosing attire, employees make decisions appropriate for their professional roles, responsibilities, purpose, and setting. Those in supervisory or leadership roles counsel with and provide guidance to their employees, supporting them in the application of these principles and expectations.

CES Dress and Grooming Principles and Expectations

CES Dress and Grooming Principles and Expectations are part of the CES Honor Code and part of each student’s, employee’s, and volunteer’s commitment.

When considering Honor Code and dress and grooming decisions, the teachings of the prophets and apostles, as well as Church instruction, such as “For the Strength of Youth: A Guide for Making Choices” can be helpful.

CES Dress and Grooming Principles

Each student, employee, and volunteer commits to:
  1. Represent the Savior Jesus Christ, the Church, and the Church Educational System
  2. Preserve an inspiring environment, without distraction or disruption, where covenants are kept in a spirit of unity so the Holy Ghost can teach truth
  3. Promote modesty, cleanliness, neatness, and restraint in dress and grooming
  4. Maintain an elevated standard distinctive to educational institutions of the Church of Jesus Christ
Dress and grooming expectations as in the examples below should align with these principles. However, application of these principles is not limited to the expectations listed. Members of the university community are expected to apply these principles to dress and grooming questions as they arise.

CES Dress and Grooming Expectations
  1. Dress for men and women should:
    • Be modest in fit and style. Dressing in a way that would cover the temple garment is a good guideline, whether or not one has been endowed. Accommodations may be made for athletic participation.
    • Be neat and clean. Sloppy, overly casual, ragged, or extreme clothing is not acceptable.
  1. Grooming:
    • Hair should be clean, neat, and modest and avoid extremes in styles and colors.
    • Men’s hair should be neatly trimmed. Men should be clean-shaven. If worn, mustaches should be neatly trimmed.