The following programs are designed to keep BYU-Idaho safe by effectively managing hazardous materials.
Hazard Communication Program
The purpose of the Hazard Communication Program is to educate and inform BYU-Idaho employees of the chemical substances that may be encountered in their daily operations. This program is in compliance with OSHA regulations, 29 CFR 1910.1200 requiring the establishment of this program.
BYU-Idaho is firmly committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment for each of its employees and students. It is recognized that some job-related procedures and other essential scholastic activities frequently require the use of chemicals which may have hazardous properties. When using these chemicals, it is important that employees and students are aware of the identity and hazardous properties of such chemicals, as well as what protective measures are available, since an informed person is more likely to be careful. Therefore, a written Hazard Communication Program has been prepared for BYU-Idaho.
Hazard Communication Training Program
Hazard Communication Training Program
The Hazard Communication Training outline refers to information that every employee should know. After filling in the blanks you will have an outline that may be used when presenting the employee training.
Hazardous Waste Management & Emergency Response (HAZWOPER)
The purpose of the Hazardous Waste Management program is to inform faculty and employees, that the university is complying with EPA requirements for preparing and maintaining a Hazardous Waste Contingency Plan under the hazardous waste regulations, Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations 265.50-.56 by providing a written plan that describes the equipment, human resources, and procedures for responding to a discharge of hazardous waste.
BYU-Idaho has developed this program to handle hazardous wastes at various campus sites because they can pose significant safety and health risks to students and employees, if not handled properly.
Accidental Spill Prevention and Control Program
The purpose of the Accidental Spill Prevention and Control Program is to inform interested persons, including employees, that our facility, Brigham Young University - Idaho, is complying with Rexburg City's requirements for preparing and maintaining an Accidental Spill Prevention Plan (ASPP) under the Industrial Wastewater Discharge Permit, by providing a written plan that describes the equipment, manpower, procedures, and adequate countermeasures for preventing and controlling hazardous materials spills entering the city wastewater system.
Used Oil Policy
BYU-Idaho has developed this plan to properly handle used oil at various campus sites. This plan informs employees about the university's compliance with Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requirements (40 CFR 279) for used oil generators.
The Used Oil Policy provides a written description of used oil management procedures, disposal methods, and transportation requirements. We encourage any suggestions that our employees have for improving our written plan for used oil management, as we are committed to developing and maintaining an effective protocol. We strive for clear understanding, environmentally sound practices, and involvement in the plan from every level of the company.