1. Capital Improvement Program
Life safety improvement projects are identified during audits, surveys, inspections, and incident responses conducted, primarily by the Safety Office, Physical Plant, the University Safety Committee, President's Council, and individual departments.
Requests for funding of these projects are submitted annually to President's Council in conjunction with departmental requests to fund new construction and remodeling for classrooms and office space. All submitted requests for funding of projects are reviewed for duplicate entries and merit, including compatibility with the mission and objectives of the university, and (to some degree) a cost-benefit analysis is conducted. An itemized list of projects is forwarded to senior administration for prioritizing.
2. Opportunities to Improve Occupant Safety
New construction and large renovation projects provide opportunities to design for improved safety throughout. The most current building and safety codes are used in the design and construction phases of new construction and large renovation projects.
Remodeling and facility improvement projects are less comprehensive, but still provide opportunities to realize incremental improvements. Most current building and safety codes are referenced when planning for existing facility remodeling projects so that, step by step, project by project, occupant safety in each facility is improving.
Simply reporting maintenance problems to Physical Plant (2431) can correct hazards and greatly improve occupant safety.