Fire Prevention Plan
At the time of a fire, employees should know what type of evacuation is necessary and what their role is in carrying out the plan. In cases where the fire is large, total and immediate evacuation of all employees is necessary. In smaller fires, a partial evacuation of nonessential employees with a delayed evacuation of others may be necessary for continued plant operation. Employees are expected to take the personal initiative to learn what is expected of them during a fire to assure their safety. The safety office web page is a valuable resource for information concerning fire protection and emergency evacuation. Safety office personnel may be contacted at 208-496-3002 to provide individualized training, to answer questions, and to otherwise assist students and employees with learning fire safety procedures. The safety office also conducts periodic fire safety training available to all university personnel. The schedule is disseminated via the institutional e-mail system and the faculty and staff bulletin.
Fire Safety Training Details
Fire safety training includes:
- What to do if an employee discovers a fire
- Demonstration of alarm, if more than one type exists
- How to recognize fire exits
- Evacuation routes
- Assisting employees with disabilities
- Measures to contain fire (e.g. closing office doors, windows, etc. in immediate vicinity)
- Headcount procedures (see EAP for details)
- Return to the building after the "all-clear" signal
Any students or employees who do not understand the available training information are encouraged to contact the safety office for additional instruction. Because failure to comply with university policy concerning fire prevention can result in OSHA citations and fines as well as employee injury, an employee who does not comply with this program may be subject to disciplinary action through established procedures.
Fire Prevention Equipment
- Types of fires
- Types of fire prevention equipment
- Location of fire prevention equipment
- How to use fire prevention equipment
- Limitations of fire prevention equipment
- Proper care and maintenance of assigned fire prevention equipment and
- Risk minimization techniques
Employees must demonstrate an understanding of the training and the ability to use the equipment properly before they are allowed to use the equipment. If a previously trained employee does not have the understanding or skill required to utilize fire protection equipment, the employee must be retrained.
All persons who receive fire protection training shall be tested for verification of attendance at a training session and shall sign a training record as documentation of the receipt of such training.