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Driving and Winter Safety

Tips for driving safely and links to preview current road conditions.
A pictures of two cars that had just been in a collision due to icy winter roads.
Don't Let this Happen to You!
Please be careful when traveling - and don't be in a hurry!

Great Advice from the National Safety Council

On the Road Traveling

Carry emergency supplies in your vehicle. No matter how moderate the climate is, be prepared for emergencies. Must-haves include blankets, jumper cables, flashlight, first-aid kit, shovel, flares, tow chain, nonperishable snacks, and sand or cat litter for traction.

Check your manual for proper tire pressure and fill tires accordingly.

  • Check windshield wipers and replace if needed. Keep your windshield wiper fluid full and use fluid that can withstand freezing temperatures.
  • Keep a well-maintained, appropriately rated fire extinguisher in your vehicle, and know how and when to use it.
  • Park in well-lit areas. Have your keys ready before you approach the car. Lock doors immediately after entering your car and keep windows rolled up.
  • Have a map and plan your trip ahead of time. Give yourself enough time knowing that traffic can delay your travel time.
  • Take breaks if driving for long periods of time.
  • Do not drive if you are drowsy.
  • Never use your cell phone while driving a vehicle.
  • Make sure all passengers in your vehicle are wearing their seat belts.
  • Before a road trip, clean your headlights, taillights, signal lights, and windows. Make sure to have your vehicle properly serviced by a mechanic. Also, check the battery, brakes, tires, belts, hoses, exhaust system, and fluid levels.
  • Don't sit in unattended areas in airports, train, or bus stations. Stay within sight of ticket agents and other travelers.