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Study Tips: Output

Discover tips and tricks to improve your test taking and writing as you progress in school and the workforce.

Test Taking Skills

Testing is one of the ways you can experience the success of your efforts and see the proof of, "what you put in, you get out."

Testing can be intimidating even if you have studied your materials very well throughout the lessons, so it's important to prepare well before taking tests. Try some of the tips below to help you prepare to take your tests.

The empty testing center waits for students to fill its seats.

Test Preparation Tips

  1. Learn the instructor's testing style and study appropriately.
  2. Predict questions the professor might ask on the test.
  3. Take tests during daylight hours while you are fresh and awake.
  4. Review all your notes, textbook chapters, homework, and tests.
  5. Begin preparing for the test, at least, two to three days before tests-not the night before.
  6. Start preparing for your final exams after the very first class period.
  7. Don't cram. You may pass the test, but you will most likely forget everything in two or three days.
  8. Think of tests as a way to demonstrate what you know. Use the returned test to review the points that you may have missed.
  9. Note key terms, jot down brief notes.

Exam Pacing

  1. Scan the entire test so that you know how to efficiently budget your time, and bring a watch.
  2. Note the number of questions and figure out how much time you have to answer each one.
  3. Read the instructions. Many students make HUGE errors by not carefully reading the instructions.
  4. Answer questions in a strategic order:
    - First easy questions to build confidence, score points, and mentally orient yourself to vocabulary, concepts, and your studies (it may help you make associations with more difficult questions)
    - Then difficult questions or those with the most point value. With objective tests, first eliminate those answers you know to be wrong, or are likely to be wrong, don't seem to fit, or where two options are so similar as to be both incorrect.
    - With essay/subjective questions, broadly outline your answer and sequence the order of your points.
  5. Don’t rush. Read the whole question and look for keywords.
  6. Change your answer only if you have reason to do so; research indicates that in 3 out of 4 times your first choice was probably correct.
  7. Return to questions you couldn't answer initially and try them again.
  8. Don't waste time reviewing answers of which you are confident are correct.
  9. Ask the instructor for clarification if you don't understand what they are asking for on the test.
  10. Write legibly. If the grader can't read what you wrote, they'll most likely mark it wrong.
  11. Keep a positive attitude throughout the whole test and try to stay relaxed. If you start to feel nervous take a few deep breaths to relax.
  12. If you have time left when you are finished, look over your test. Make sure that you have answered all the questions. Watch out for careless mistakes and proofread your essay and/or short answer questions.
  13. Don't worry if others finish before you. Focus on the test in front of you.

 For additional help, review the Test Preparation Tips document.