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If this is your first time requesting disability accommodation services at BYU-Idaho, you've come to the right place. Learn about accommodations available to you and steps you can take to receive accommodations.
If you are a returning student already receiving disability accommodation services, use the Accommodations Login to view accommodations for your classes or request accommodations for a current class.
Resources for faculty and online instructors with students that need disability accommodations.

The BYU-Idaho Accessibility Services Office provides support and services to qualifying students to ensure equal access and to foster a spirit of integration and inclusion. Providing accommodations to students with documented educational challenges can have a great impact on their experience as it relates to learning, meeting graduation requirements, and preparing for employment.

As students with disabilities experience equal access to all that BYU-Idaho has to offer, their testimonies of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ will increase, and they will be better prepared to contribute to the academic, cultural, spiritual, and social environment of BYU-Idaho.

April 07, 2022 09:56 PM
Accommodations for deaf and hard of hearing students.
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