Step 1 - See if BookShare has your books first
Go to Book Share and download your books if BookShare has them. If you need a free BookShare account just ask. VitalSource, RedShelf and Kindle also have accessible formats if you want to rent or purchase an eBook version. For E-Text you cannot find please continue below.
Step 2 - Verify the E-Text accommodation is checked for your course. (see Figure 1)
Login to the BYU-Idaho Disability Services Access Portal.
- Once you have logged in, go to the left-hand side of your dashboard under My Accommodations and select List Accommodations. (see Figure 2)
- In the center of your dashboard, Select Courses in which you want E-text accommodations. (see Figure 3)
- Then scroll down and click the button to "Continue to Customize Your Accommodations". (see Figure 4)
- Make sure E-Text is one of your accommodations. If it is not then check the box and "Submit Your Requests" or Update for Administrator approval. (see Figure 5)
Step 3 - Select the Books you need in E-Text
- On the left hand side menu, select "Alternative Formats" under "My Accommodations". (see Figure 6)
- Make sure the Term is the correct semester shown or click on next or previous term to choose. (see Figure 7)
- Scroll down and click the "Select" button only for the books you need Disability Services to get in E-Text for you. (see Figure 8)
- Submit your receipt. Proof of purchase (or rent) is required for any book you press "Select" on. Email a pic of the receipt to Find your BYUI Bookstore receipts.
- You can Download your e-Text or see the progress of your book requests in this Alternative Formats area. All your book requests will be listed here. You will receive an email once a book is ready for download. (see Figure 9)
NOTE: Only select the books you need Disability Services to get in E-Text for you. EBooks purchased or rented from VitalSource, RedShelf or BookShare should already be in an accessible format, so no need to select them.