A Continuing Student Deferment allows a student to miss one of their on-track semesters without having to reapply for admission. If you have already done a Continuing Student Deferment before and need to defer again for reasons other than a mission or medical reasons, please contact the Admissions Office at 208-496-1411.
Are you planning to serve a mission? We are ready to help. Students leaving to serve a Mission may hold their enrollment while they serve by completing a Missionary Deferment.
The Medical Deferment is used to help students deal with medical issues that prevent attendance during an assigned semester.
The Spouse of Intern Deferment is used to help students defer a semester when an internship of a spouse prevents attendance during an assigned semester. The deferment also provides the opportunity to receive an override for the next flex-track semester to allow the spouse of the intern to not fall behind in their graduation plans.
Due to the differing lengths of service required of military personnel, BYU-Idaho does not have a specific military deferment. If you will only need to miss one semester of your assigned track, we recommend the Continuing Student Deferment. If you will need to interrupt your studies for more than one semester, please contact the Admissions Office at 208-496-1411 to discuss your enrollment options.
Contact Admissions with your questions, no matter if you are a prospective, current, or Pathway student!