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Complaints or Concerns

BYU-Idaho takes seriously any complaints involving its programs and activities. When a complaint is made to relevant institutional authorities, BYU-Idaho uses all reasonable efforts to seek a prompt and fair resolution.
If a student has a complaint, we encourage him or her to contact directly the most relevant and lowest-level academic, managerial, or administrative unit or personnel before escalating the issue to other institutional or outside authorities. For example, for student complaints involving coursework, communication with the course instructor is the most direct route to resolving issues. If an issue cannot be resolved directly with the instructor or administrator, the student may contact the BYU-Idaho Support Center to initiate a formal grievance.

BYU-Idaho Support Center
  • You may report a concern for a student’s well-being or safety, which will be sent to the Dean of Students.
  • You may also make a report if you witness a general conduct violation, including violations of Housing, Honor Code, or other university policies. It will be sent to the Student Honor Office.
  • You may also make a report of sexual misconduct.  It will be sent to the Title IX Coordinator.
Concerns related to sexual harassment or Title IX.

Title IX Office
Title IX Coordinator Nick Rammell
Information to assist students who may have complaints related to distance education.
Employees are encouraged to attempt to resolve their concerns at the most local level, by reporting their concerns to a supervisor or other appropriate contact person within their units. If employees feel uncomfortable addressing their concerns at the local level or wish for any other reason to address their concerns elsewhere, they may make their reports directly to the university office responsible for handling the subject area.

Human Resources
Students who feel like they have been unlawfully discriminated against can contact the Dean of Students Office, located in 290 Kimball, or call (208) 496-9200.
Employees who feel like they have been unlawfully discriminated against can contact the Director of Human Resources, located in 226 Kimball, or call (208) 496-1700.

What Is the Purpose of the Hotline?

The hotline provides a way to report reasonable suspicion of noncompliance with law or policy, particularly when other methods of reporting may be unavailable or otherwise inappropriate or ineffective under the circumstances. The hotline also allows anonymous reporting, helps promote confidentiality, and provides safeguards against retaliation. Reports submitted through the hotline are taken seriously and will be given careful attention with the objective of preventing, stopping, and remedying the noncompliance being reported.

What Is the Hotline NOT Meant For?

The compliance hotline is not intended for handling employee grievances unrelated to compliance, such as complaints concerning performance evaluations, hours of work, wages, or merit raises. The compliance hotline also is not intended for resolving academic grievances unrelated to compliance, such as complaints involving grades, credits, or registration. Nonetheless, good-faith reports of legal or policy noncompliance will be reviewed and, if appropriate, investigated and resolved.

Compliance Hotline FAQ