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Mentoring & Academic Advising

Mentors can academically advise students while considering international and financial aid requirements.

Things to Keep in Mind

Ensure that students check with Advising before changing their major, taking classes outside of their declared degree, or dropping any courses so they do not lose financial aid. If students have questions about the credit limit, have them check with their academic advisor and the Financial Aid Office. Before giving any kind of academic advice to a student, please remember:

1. International Students
Dropping below 12 credits may result in an international student’s deportation.
2. Financial Aid Ramifications
-Registering for non-required courses can cause students to lose financial aid.
-Changing majors after the semester major declaration date can cause students to lose financial aid.
Career & Academic Advising - Feb 2019
While you may be qualified to answer some of the students’ academic and professional questions, you will find that you need to direct students to other on-campus resources.

Advising on Academic Matters

The experiences you have gained professionally and academically are priceless resources to students. Helping students align their classroom experiences with an understanding of what will be expected of them professionally will help them transition from college to their career.

Helping Student Select a Career

The Student Guide provides resources students can utilize to help them explore career options that align with their interests so they can choose a career goal that's right for them.

Helping Students Select a Major

Early on in students’ college experience, they may find themselves at a crossroads with a variety of possible careers and degree paths. At this time, it is best for students to identify their strengths and be open to change. As mentors, you can provide advice and share experiences. If students are thinking of switching their major, refer them to the advising office of the college they are considering switching to.

Providing Portfolio and Résumé Advice

Faculty portfolio and résumé feedback will give students unique insight on what they can work on before they graduate. If you do not have time to look over students' résumés or are not experienced in their field of study, send them to the Internship & Career Services Office (ICS).

Creating Career Connections

Students’ careers will benefit from connecting with alumni, professional organizations, and other individuals in their industry. Mentors should not only encourage students to make connections early in their academic careers, but they should also help students make connections whenever possible. Additionally, The Alumni Office offers training to set up LinkedIn profiles and can pair students up with an alumni mentor.

Informing Students About Additional Resources

Course Sequencing
The Academic Advising Office is the best resource to refer students to when a question of course sequencing arises because they have immediate access to the updated catalog years and degree audits.
Grad Plan
The Academic Advising Office helps students create a Grad Plan in I-Plan that accommodates their assigned track, emphasis, major, electives, and interests. The Academic Advising Office also helps ensure that students graduate with the correct number of credits and experiences. Trust what future courses the Grad Plan has listed, and if you see any discrepancies, contact your college’s academic advisor so appropriate changes can be made within I-Plan.
The online platform Portfolium encourages students to post projects and school assignments for peers and potential employers to see. Students can search for jobs and internships and interact with companies on a regular basis. If your students need help setting up their Portfolium account, IT has a collection of tutorials ready to help them.

College Department Contacts

Department Phone Email
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (208) 496-1411
College of Business and Communication (208) 496-1411
College of Education of Human Development (208) 496-1411
College of Language and Letters (208) 496-1411
College of Performing and Visual Arts (208) 496-1411
College of Physical Sciences and Engineering (208) 496-1411

While mentors should make every attempt to guide and help students, degree programs, courses, and colleges are constantly changing. If you are unsure of how to answer a student’s question, please refer the student to the Academic Advising Office to prevent confusion or costly academic mistakes.