All employees and faculty at BYU-Idaho have the ability to make a difference in the lives of students. Although positions and responsibilities vary, we must seek the Spirit's guidance and increase our Christlike caring for others.
Principles of Mentoring at BYU-Idaho include teaching in ways that edify and inspire, preparing students for meaningful employment opportunities, ministering to individual students, and connecting students with university resources.
Learn about the tool designed to help identify at-risk students for those who interact with them on a daily basis. Review surface signals and underlying causes to understand student behavior and performance.
Discover ways to reach out to students, how to listen to students, and how to help students deal with difficult situations. Study principles for academic and career advising that will bless the lives of students.
Find out who to connect students with when they have needs you can't fill. There are resources to help students with academic advising, counseling, mental health, Title IX, internships, and careers.
Faculty members and employees who encounter students in emergency situations should use this page to know who to contact. If any student is in immediate crisis or at risk of physical harm, first call 911.