Section 205 of Title II of the Higher Education Opportunity Act mandates that the Department of Education collect data related to teacher certification and licensure, as well as data on the performance of teacher preparation programs. This report presents selected data which was provided to USDOE in response to the reporting requirements of this law.
I. Admission Requirements
The following are required for admission in the BYU-Idaho teacher preparation program: application, transcript, fingerprint check, minimum number of courses/credits/semester hours completed, minimum undergraduate GPA, minimum GPA in content area coursework, subject area/academic content test or other subject-matter verification, eEssay or personal statement. An application process for admittance into the teacher education programs occurs typically during the sophomore year (semester 3 or 4).
Additional information can be found at: Teacher Preparation
II. Enrollment Information
III. Supervised Clinical Experience
IV. Teachers Prepared by Subject Area for Academic Year 2019-2020
Note. An individual can be counted in more than one subject area.