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Final Grades

How withdrawn grades, temporary grades, and non-reported grades affect overall student grades and credits.

Submitting Final Grades

The Grade Submission Portal allows instructors to import your grades from iLearn. However, faculty who do not use I-Learn will now also easily enter their grades through this new portal. The portal will import grades as they have been calculated in I-Learn. Therefore, keeping grades up-to-date in I-Learn is key to the portal’s convenience. Once imported, instructors can modify any grade before they are submitted to Student Records and Registration.

Access the Grade Submission Portal by one of the following methods:

NOTE: Non-reported grades negatively impact students in many ways including academic standing, awarding of degrees, employment and graduate school opportunities, and completion of final transcripts. Therefore, the timely submission of grades is very important.

  • W grades are placed on your academic record (transcript) if you drop a class anytime after the 22nd day in a semester (or after the 15th day in a block) up until the final drop deadline, for any reason.
  • W grades are NOT calculated into your grade point average (GPA).
  • W grades remain on your transcript even if you re-take the class at a later date.
  • W grades are considered non-progress grades and are calculated into the 75% progress requirement.
  • If you are receiving Federal Financial Aid, you must check with that office to determine how W grades affect your eligibility.
A UW grade represents an unofficial withdrawal which is given to a student who meets all of the following criteria:
  1. The student did not complete proper withdrawal procedures from the course (i.e. did not drop the class within the established academic deadlines).
  2. The student has a record of non-attendance.
  3. The student did not complete any work, tests, or class-related assignments after attendance ceased.
  4. The student’s record of non-attendance began before the last date to drop classes without receiving the grade earned (June 15 for full-semester Summer 2008 classes or June 30 for second block Summer 2008 classes).
Based on this information, an F grade is appropriate if:
  1. The student does not have a record of non-attendance and the student’s academic performance warrants a failing grade
  2. The student’s record of non-attendance began after the last date to drop a class without receiving the grade earned (June 15 for full-semester Summer 2008 classes or June 30 for second block Summer 2008 classes).
Both an F and a UW are calculated into the GPA as a failing grade value (0.0).
"T" grades represent a temporary grade that was assigned for courses that do not fall within the normal academic deadlines of any given semester (e.g. internships, student teaching, tours). T grades can only be assigned by the Student Records and Registration Office for courses that meet these conditions.

T grades do not impact a student’s GPA but may impact Satisfactory Academic Standing in that the credits for the course are counted as attempted, but not yet earned. Therefore, instructors over courses for which T grades are assigned are encouraged to submit their final grades as soon as the coursework is completed.
"NR" represents that the grade was not reported by the instructor. A student receiving an "NR" grade should contact the instructor to request that a valid grade be submitted to the Student Records and Registration Office.

As with T Grades, NR grades do not impact a student’s GPA, but may impact Satisfactory Academic Standing in that the credits for the course are counted as attempted, but not yet earned. Therefore, instructors over courses for which NR grades were assigned are encouraged to submit their final grades as soon as possible
An incomplete grade (I) is a conditional grade only granted under the following circumstances:
  • Extenuating circumstances occurred (serious illness, personal injury, death in the immediate family, etc.) that hindered class work and occurred after the tenth week of a semester or the fourth week of a block.
  • The student must have a passing grade at the time of petitioning for the incomplete grade. It is not a substitute for a failing grade. Therefore, an incomplete grade should not be granted if the student is failing a class and wants additional time to submit make-up work in order to improve a grade.
  • The student must be able to complete the remaining work on an individual basis with the instructor. Re-enrollment in all or part of the same course during a subsequent semester may not be required as part of the contract. The general length of time to fulfill the requirements of an incomplete contract is one additional semester; however, if circumstances warrant, the instructor may contact Student Records and Registration to extend the length of the contract.
  • Instructor approval is mandatory, and the instructor may choose not to allow an incomplete contract since it requires the instructor to individually work with the student in addition to his or her normal workload.
Incomplete Grade Contracts can be initiated through Canvas by selecting the “Course Help” button in your individual section. From there, you can select “Incomplete Contracts” and complete a brief form summarizing your request. Once filled out and submitted, the Incomplete Grade request will be processed by the BYUI Student Records & Registration office.

Additional Resources

November 03, 2021 01:07 AM
Instructors need to indicate whether or not any student who earned an F or a UW grade participated in the course.  This requirement assists with BYU-Idaho's compliance with federal financial aid regulations.