Qualifications for an Academic Petition
You might qualify to petition to drop or withdraw from courses if they ended within a one-year time frame. Some graduation requirements, academic dismissal, and academic ineligibility may also be petitioned using this process. To initiate a petition: call, walk in, or Skype Student Records and Registration.
Academic Petition Process
The Student Records and Registration Office follows a seven-step process to review and approve academic petitions.
Step 1: Office Initiate
Contact Student Records & Registration
Call or walk into Student Records and Registration to initiate an academic petition. (Transcript changes, drop/withdraw, academic dismissal, graduation requirements.) A form with questions will be emailed to you.
Call or walk into Student Records and Registration to initiate an academic petition. (Transcript changes, drop/withdraw, academic dismissal, graduation requirements.) A form with questions will be emailed to you.
Step 2: Student Submit
Complete a Petition Form
Answer every question and attach supporting documents if applicable. Keep information clear, concise, and relevant to your petition and situation. Don’t forget to proofread your petition before submitting.
Answer every question and attach supporting documents if applicable. Keep information clear, concise, and relevant to your petition and situation. Don’t forget to proofread your petition before submitting.
Step 3: Office Prep
Gathering Information
Depending on the petition, Exception Counselors will gather information such as professor’s comments, degree progress, additional department input, and clarification of specifics.
Depending on the petition, Exception Counselors will gather information such as professor’s comments, degree progress, additional department input, and clarification of specifics.
Step 4: Committee Review
Your Petition is Reviewed
All documents including the responses you submitted along with additional information from the “Office Prep” stage are reviewed in committee. The committee consists of faculty, administration, and student representation.
All documents including the responses you submitted along with additional information from the “Office Prep” stage are reviewed in committee. The committee consists of faculty, administration, and student representation.
Step 5: Decision Made
A Final Decision
A decision is made once the Committee has weighed all options. The committee is tasked with doing what they consider to be equitable for the student and protecting the integrity of BYU-Idaho.
A decision is made once the Committee has weighed all options. The committee is tasked with doing what they consider to be equitable for the student and protecting the integrity of BYU-Idaho.
Step 6: Notification
Decision Notification
You will receive a decision email to your byui.edu email address. You will also receive a call from an Exception Counselor to answer any questions and explore further options.
You will receive a decision email to your byui.edu email address. You will also receive a call from an Exception Counselor to answer any questions and explore further options.
Step 7: Changes if Applicable
Final Stage
Depending on the committee’s decision changes to your official record may be applied.
Depending on the committee’s decision changes to your official record may be applied.