Update Your Personal Information Online
Update your marital status, name, birth date, religious affiliation, or social security number on your student.byui.edu in the "Profile" tab or Demographic Change Request portal.
If you have changed your legal name due to marriage, divorce, or adoption or you need to correct your name in BYU-Idaho student records, you may request a name change in your student.byui.edu account in your "Profile" tab. Click "Request Change" next to your name.
- You will need to securely upload your social security card which displays your correct name.
Request a marital status change in your student.byui.edu account in your "Profile" tab - click "Request Change" next to your "marital status."
You will need to provide the following documents to change your marital status:
Marriage (one of the following):
You will need to provide the following documents to change your marital status:
Marriage (one of the following):
- Marriage Certificate
- Temple Sealing Certificate
- The Divorce/Annulment decree (first and last page only)
- Death certificate of spouse
If your birthdate is incorrect in your BYU-Idaho student records, you may request a birthdate change in your student.byui.edu account in your "Profile" tab. Click “Request Change” next to your “birthdate.”
You will need to upload one of the following documents:
You will need to upload one of the following documents:
- Birth Certificate
- Driver’s License
- Passport
If your social security number is incorrect in your BYU-Idaho student record, you may request a social security number change in your student.byui.edu account in your "Profile" tab. Click "Request Change" next to your "social security number."
- You will be required to upload your social security card.
If recently baptized or re-affiliated with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints you may request a religion status change to "Latter-day Saint" in your student.byui.edu account in your "Profile" tab. Click "Request Change" next to your "religious affiliation." Or you may use the Demographic Change Request portal.
You will be required to provide one of the following documents:
You will be required to provide one of the following documents:
- Baptismal Certificate
- Temple Recommend
- Screenshot that shows your name and membership record number found in your online church account