Campus Retention Schedule
The Campus Retention Schedule, or CRS, provides general guidelines for retaining records once they're no longer actively used. Tips for using the schedule are located within the description of the Campus Retention Schedule.
To find your office's existing retention schedule, contact Special Collections to gain access..
Retention begins from the moment of creation or when the record is no longer actively used. See the CRS for descriptions of when retention begins for specific records categories, and for determining how long to keep records.
Retention begins at an event as described in the CRS and then lasts for a number of years as listed in the CRS. Records can be destroyed at this point if their disposition action is "destroy." Scroll through the CRS to locate disposition for specific records categories.
Prior to destroying records, ensure that the retention period in the CRS has been met, then fill out a Records Destruction Form. Records with confidential information need to be securely shredded; other records should be recycled. Contact us regarding proper destruction or for pick up for secure shredding or recycling.
The Financial Services office handles the majority of financial matters conducted by the University. Individal offices have very few records they need to be concerned with retaining. Contact Financial Services through their website.
The Student Records Office is the primary repository for a student's academic records. Most records associated with a student's academic life belong with Student Records. Visit the Student Records website.
Electronic records should be filed in much the same way as paper records; using electronic filing systems rather than paper files. The CRS provides general retention guidelines for both types of records. File your records electronically according to the CRS and dispose of electronic information as described in the schedule. SharePoint is one accepted method for managing electronic records and can assist you in automating retention and disposition for your records. Contact us for assistance in using SharePoint, and for determining how to treat electronic records once they reach their disposition stage.
Special Collections
The Special Collections are located in room 220 in the McKay Library. It is the corprate archives for the University, and as such houses permanent, historical records for future administrative and historical use. Explore the Permanent Library Holdings Policy, then contact Special Collections regarding transfer of historical records.