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International Studies Internships

International Studies Internships

The International Studies Major requires a 1-3-credit internship (INTST 398R) or international studies experience (INTST 399R) to graduate. These may be achieved through semester-long jobs domestically, internationally or study abroad programs. To avoid last-minute frustration and limited options, begin your plans early and visit with the Internship and Career Services Office for information on costs, possibilities and guidelines no later than the beginning of your sophomore year. For additional assistance, meet with the Faculty Internship Coordinator to discuss your plans.


Requirements include: Must work at least half of an academic semester (7 weeks), minimum of 10 hours per week 70 hours = 1 credit, 140 hours = 2 credits, 210 = 3 credits. Internships should be related to a student's module area (i.e., Business, Economics, GIS, Policy).

Any international internship will require additional meetings reviewing costs, benefits, employability enhancement, safety, and security. There are no prerequisites for the internship, however, it is recommended you complete the internship once you have completed about 60 credit hours.

Finding an Internship

Students are responsible for finding their own internships but there are many resources available.

Internship Coordinator: Scott Galer
471 Smith Building
(208) 496-4310