French Minor

A minor in French prepares students to use French to enrich their lives, find better career opportunities and communicate with many diverse ethnic groups in approximately half the countries of the world. A French minor focuses studies on reading, writing, speaking and listening to French along with understanding French history and culture.
French Cluster
French Fluent Speakers
A French Fluent Speakers Cluster prepares students with a background in french to speak the language with proper grammar and precision. Students will learn basic language skills, listening and speaking, reading and writing, and speaking and mastery of intermediate grammar through stories, essays, poems, and videos.
Learn more about the French fluent speakers cluster
French Elementary
A French Elementary Cluster prepares students with no background in french to speak the language with proper grammar and precision. Students will learn basic language skills, listening and speaking, as well as reading and writing.
Learn more about the French elementary cluster
Conversation Drop in Lab
Room: Smith 122
Days: Tuesday & Thursday
Time: 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Contact Info