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Student Teaching Information and Requirements

Student Teaching Interview Dates


Fall 2025

Winter 2025

Meet & Greet Date(s)

February 18, 2025

September 17, 2024

Interview Signup Date(s)

February 19–20, 2025

September 18–19, 2024

Interview Date(s)

March 5, 2025

September 24, 2024

Student Teaching Process
1. Research Partner Schools
2. Interview Signups
3. Meet & Greet
4. Interviews
5. Placement Assignment
6. Housing For Student Teachers
1. Research Partner Schools
2. Interview Signups
3. Meet & Greet
4. Interviews
5. Placement Assignment
6. Housing For Student Teachers
Research Partner Schools
Research partner schools to find out which school and administration would best suit your needs.

Plan to schedule interview time slots with schools that meet your student teaching needs. 

Our Partner Schools Locations: 
Local (Southeast Idaho)
Caldwell, ID
Weber - Ogden, Utah
Jordan - Salt Lake City, Utah
Melissa, Texas
Interview Signups
Check your BYU-Idaho student email for updates on interview sign-up dates.

Student teaching interview sign-ups are scheduled through the Student Teaching Services office a couple weeks prior to student teaching interview dates.

Sign-ups are conducted via email on the days indicated in the previously mentioned emails.

See our Student Teaching Services Student Teaching Interview Video below for additional clarification. 

Contact the Student Teaching Services for more questions.
Meet & Greet
The Student Teaching Meet & Greet will be held virtually a few weeks prior to student teaching interviews.

Representatives from the various partner districts will be available to answer questions and give candidates more information about their schools. 

Even though this is a virtual meeting, you still want to present yourself professionally.

This is a time where future teacher candidates can get to know the principals and schools. This is in contrast to the interviews where the principal will get to know the candidates.
Interviews are held in person and by appointment only. Partner school interviews are like a job interview. You should be professional and come prepared.

Please bring multiple copies of your resume and cover letter for your scheduled interviews. Your student teaching placement will be determined by your interviews.

Follow these tips for interview success: 
  • Start preparing your resume. 

Interviews are required. If you are unable to attend the interviews, please contact the Student Teaching Services Office for other options.

Check your BYU-Idaho student email for updates on interview dates.
Placement Assignment
Following student teaching interviews, partner schools will select their preferred candidates.

Candidates will have the opportunity to indicate their top three area choices following interviews.

Area coordinators will meet and carefully review all information from the student teaching interviews regarding placement selections.

Placement Details:

  • All candidates are placed through this process.
  • Placements are finalized as soon as possible following interviews. 

Each candidate will receive an email from their area coordinator notifying them of their student teaching area/state.

Final placement decisions will be sent out as soon as the area coordinator is able to obtain the information from the district/school administrator.
Housing For Student Teachers
  1. We don't want to discourage church members from helping others.
  2. We need to always ensure that we offer students a variety of resources to find housing.  We (area coordinator, etc.) can also offer some housing options that we are are aware of.  Resources could be rental agency like Rent Master, YSA housing facebook site in the area, etc.
  3. We must give students the ability to choose for themselves with no pressure to make a certain housing choice.
  1. Some areas may have a senior church service missionary who helps find possible housing for interns and student teachers. This is fine as long as there is no pressure and we are offering a variety of housing resources including some not found by the missionary.
  2. In our paperwork for student teaching, it states that students are responsible to find their own housing.
  3. When there is a student with a disability, we should work with the Disability Services office to ensure we are meeting any obligations in terms of helping the student find adequate housing.
  4. If the school district offers housing, we must still rely on principles 2 and 3 above.
  5. If an area coordinator wants to work with the school district or the stake to come up with housing options, again, that is fine as long as it's one of several resources/options we share with the student.

Student Teaching Requirements

There are many standards and requirements that our programs must contain in order for the State Department of Education (SDE) to accept our certification recommendations. Student teaching is not an automatic right or course that anyone can take. We adhere to sending “highly qualified” teacher candidates to student teaching.

Candidates must keep in mind that these requirements have been put in place by the State Department of Education. There are no exceptions to the policies.

Requirement Process

  • All coursework must be completed with a C- or better in all major and minor courses.
  • Pass all required Praxis exams.
  • To better prepare candidates to use classroom technology, we require all education majors to obtain technology certification in the Google Educator Certification Program. This certification replaces the old Technology Competency Assessments (TCA).
  • Pass all required literacy exams.
  • All exams (Praxis, literacy & technology) must be passed by mid-term of the semester prior to student teaching.

    A male student sits in a lecture hall among other students taking notes.

    • It is highly recommended to plan on taking exams before mid-term due dates to allow time for possible retakes.
    • Contact your program director regarding recommendations on when to take exams. 
  • Candidates must show proof of performance based on the Danielson Framework in pertinent individual program practicums.
  • Candidates must show a continued professional disposition toward education during their time in the program.

All requirements for student teaching must be met no later than mid-term of the semester prior to student teaching. (This would include failed or not taken Praxis exams, State required exams and coursework.) Students who are incomplete in any requirements are still required to participate in student teaching interviews for their target semester; however, their student teaching placement will not be communicated to them, and their placement will be put on hold until all requirements have been met.

By mid-term, students who are still incomplete in any requirements, will be notified and removed from the student teaching roster during the week following mid-terms. Once dropped from the student teaching roster, these candidates are allowed 10 days to appeal to the Student Teaching Services ( or 208-496-4140) if they feel they have extenuating circumstances that warrants an exception.

Exception to Exams Due Date policy: Any student taking a literacy course (ED 441 or ED 461) during their final semester before student teaching will be allowed until the end of the semester to take the literacy exams connected with that class. Failure to pass the exam attached to the class will result in removal from the student teaching roster for the following semester.

Student Teaching Handbook