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Transfer Students

Types of Transfer Students

A group of BYU-Idaho students, gathered together on campus, smiling.

Types of Transfer Students

Transfer Student - Less than 24 credits
Students with less than 24 semester or 36 quarter hours completed after high school graduation. To be considered as a transfer student with less than 24 credits you must meet the admission requirements.
Transfer Student - 24 credits or more
Students with at least 24 semester or 36 quarter hours completed after high school graduation. Credits must be complete by the application deadline after high school graduation. To be considered as a transfer student with more than 24 credits you must meet the admission requirements.

Learn How to Transfer Your Credits

To learn more about how your credits transfer, please visit the Course Transfer Tool. Official college transcripts can be submitted in any of the following ways:
Applying to BYU-Idaho
If you are applying to any CES school (BYU-Idaho, BYU, BYU-Hawaii, or Ensign College):

-An electronic copy sent directly from the institution to
-A physical sealed copy mailed directly from the institution to:

CES Admissions
B-226 ASB
Provo, UT 84602

Please note: The correct address for applicants is a Provo, UT, not a Rexburg, ID address.
Already Admitted to BYU-Idaho
If you are already an admitted BYU-Idaho student and need an updated transcript sent to BYU-Idaho:

-An electronic copy sent directly from the institution to
-A physical sealed copy mailed directly from the institution to:

BYU-Idaho Admissions Office
120 Kimball Building
Rexburg, ID 83460-1615

Transcripts directly from the institution that are in unopened marked sealed envelopes can be hand-delivered to the Admissions Office located in the Kimball Building, Room 120.

Transcripts are not accepted or deemed official if they are faxed, opened, "Issued to Student," or sent by the student directly by mail or email.

The Admission Review

BYU-Idaho reviews applicants in two main areas: church endorsements and academic achievement.
Church Endorsements
Applicants must be worthy of a fill endorsement from their church leaders and commit to abide the Honor Code.
Academic Achievement
Admissions will review your grade point average (GPA) from your current institution or your high school depending on the number of transfer credits.

Ecclesiastical Endorsement

Students walking out of the Taylor Building.

Ecclesiastical Endorsement

Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in good standing (no probation of any kind), are considered admissible to BYU-Idaho.
Non-members of the Church
Non-member applicants are required to abide by the Code of Honor and should review it thoroughly prior to applying. Interviews for non-member applicants can be conducted by a bishop of the Church of Jesus Christ or by their own ecclesiastical leader.

Credit Requirements

Applicants with 119+ semester credit hours of transfer work are generally not considered admissible for on-campus study. Students in this circumstance are encouraged to explore degree completion where the majority of their credits were earned or to consider an Online Degree, serviced by BYU Pathway Worldwide.
Academic Requirements for Less Than 24 Credits
Cumulative un-weighted high school grade point average (GPA)
Home/Private School Requirements
Academic Requirements for 24 Credits or More
Minimum Required Cumulative College GPA 2.0

Start The Application Process

March 07, 2022 11:39 PM
Applications are open for all semesters.
March 08, 2022 12:01 PM