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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions concerning testing center rules, hours, and proctors.


1. Present your I-Card
2. Observe BYU-Idaho Dress & Grooming Standards
3. Turn off all cell phones, smartwatches, and electronic devices and store them in your backpack
4. Take out all approved testing items
5. Store all of your personal items under your seat
6. Use only approved testing items
7. Access only your test and approved websites
8. Food and drinks are not allowed
9. Leave large items at home
10. All testing materials must be turned in with your exam (ex. exams, bubble sheets, approved notecards, scratch paper, reference materials, etc.)

Approved testing items include any items your instructor has approved for use on your exam.

Large items include art portfolios, musical instruments, skateboards, scooters, etc.
There are special testing rooms designed for students needing accommodations. Permission to schedule these rooms is granted by Disability Services (208-496-9210). Once permission is granted, an email will be sent outlining the scheduling procedure.
The Testing Center is open every week, Monday through Saturday. The Testing Center is closed on:

· Sundays

· LDS General Conference Saturdays

· Paid BYU-Idaho Holidays The Testing Center has limited hours during Christmas and Summer Sessions.

Call 208-496-1750 for more information.
The Testing Center doors close at:

· 5:00 PM on Mondays and Saturdays

· 9:00 PM on Tuesdays-Fridays

There are often longer lines near closing time, so please plan accordingly. Even though the doors close, the Testing Center is open for students already taking their exams so they can complete their tests until:

· 6:00 PM on Mondays and Saturdays

· 10:00 PM on Tuesdays-Fridays

Yes, if you need to use the restroom or get a drink, please raise your hand, and a proctor will help you.
Proctors are there to act as proxies for your instructors.  They provide the passwords for computer-based exams and other items students may need.  In addition, they ensure the aisles are clear and maintain the integrity of the test itself.  All allowable test aids are written on your cover sheet and/or answer sheet.  They often look to make sure you are following the instructions you were given.
Most people prefer to use the Testing Center when it is not busy.  This typically occurs daily between the hours of 8:00AM and 11:00AM.  Some of the busiest times are right before closing on Mondays and Saturdays and right after Devotional on Tuesdays.