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Student Teaching Services

Student Teaching Process

Preparation Process

  • Notice of Intent
  • Grad Plan Approval
  • Statement of Understanding
  • Cover Letter
  • Resume
  • Background Check / Fingerprinting

Learn About the Preparation Process
Exams & PRAXIS

  • Research Exams
  • Schedule Exams
  • Take & Pass Exams

Learn About Exams & PRAXIS
Student Teaching Process

  • Research Partner Schools
  • Interview Sign Ups
  • Meet & Greet
  • Interviews
  • Placement Assignment

Learn About The Student Teaching Process
Student Teaching Requirements

  • Successfully pass all required exams
  • Successfully complete all required coursework

Learn About Student Teaching Requirements

  • Idaho Certification
  • Out of State Certification

Learn About Certification

All dates indicate the most ideal start time frame to allow student teaching candidates to complete all needed requirements prior to target Student Teaching semester.

Mission Statement

Our purpose in Student Teaching Services is to uplift each student as a disciple of Christ with eternal significance and potential.

Four Students talk and laugh outside.

Prepare Tomorrow's Leaders
Through our services and support, we strive to prepare our students for the crucial work that each will do in teaching today's youth to be tomorrow's leaders. We desire to increase all students' capacity to build others and add value wherever they work.

Maximize Professional Development
We believe that every teacher candidate deserves the right to maximize their professional development through a capstone student teaching experience within a partner school district, and are committed to providing an authentic, relevant experience for each candidate.

Help Students Experience the BYU-Idaho Teaching Model
We train partner schools to understand and implement the BYU-Idaho model for student teaching, which includes consistent mentoring, daily co-teaching and co-planning, timely feedback from mentor teachers, and sufficient experience teaching within relevant content areas. We provide candidates with regular supervision from Danielson certified evaluators.

An Advocate for Teacher Candidates
Our goal is to serve as an advocate for each teacher candidate to secure placements within these bounds and to ensure that candidates, alongside with mentors, are collectively engaged in the daily process of student learning.