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Student Teaching Exams & Praxis

Required Exams Due Dates

Target Semester

Due Date

Winter 2026

October 27, 2025

Winter 2025

October 24, 2024

Fall 2025

June 3, 2025

All education students are required to take PRAXIS, Literacy, and TCA exams. Contact the Content Area Program with questions or concerns.

Learn More About the Idaho PRAXIS Exam

How to Prepare for Exams & PRAXIS
We strongly recommend that you complete all exams before Student Teaching Interviews.
1. Research Praxis Exams
2. Schedule Praxis Exams
3. Take & Pass Praxis Exams
4. Literacy Exam Requirements
5. TCA Requirements
1. Research Praxis Exams
2. Schedule Praxis Exams
3. Take & Pass Praxis Exams
4. Literacy Exam Requirements
5. TCA Requirements
1. Research Praxis Exams
2. Schedule Praxis Exams
3. Take & Pass Praxis Exams
4. Literacy Exam Requirements
5. TCA Requirements
Research Praxis Exams
Students are responsible to research, understand, and register for their own PRAXIS exams.

By policy, Student Teaching Services cannot tell students which exams to take. If you need help, use the below research sites, or contact your Program Director.

State PRAXIS Requirements

Additional PRAXIS Information

Be aware that PRAXIS requirements may change at any time. Make sure you are taking the correct and most current test.

NOTE: If you are having trouble registering for the exam due to technological issues, we cannot help you register, you will need to contact ETS. If you are still having issues 2 weeks before the deadline, contact our office.

Praxis Study Supports

Praxis Study Supports

Take & Pass Praxis Exams
If you are interested in possibly having your PRAXIS Exam fees waived, please review the following instructions and fill out the form linked in the instructions below.

PRAXIS Fee Waiver

  • Many Praxis exams can be taken on-line through a proctored situation set up by the testing agency, ETS.
    • Testing at home offers more availability of testing dates.
    • Research this possibility though the dates and centers link listed above.

Many universities have available testing dates for the Praxis exam, unfortunately BYUI does not currently have this option availabe, and you will have to travel somewhere else to take it. 

  • All PRAXIS Exams and BYU-Idaho exams must be taken and passed as a prerequisite to Student Teaching.
  • PRAXIS Exams must be taken and passed by mid-term prior to your target Student Teaching semester.
  • PRAXIS scores are emailed to candidates.
  • As a recommendation, save your PRAXIS results as soon as you are given your scores. There is a significant fee to access your PRAXIS scores from ETS after a year has passed.
Literacy Exam Requirements

Idaho Comprehensive Literacy Assessment is required for all education majors. ELED, ECSE and SPED candidates have been required to pass this assessment for some time. The State has now completed the equivalent exam for secondary education majors. Candidates must pass this (these) exam(s) before being allowed to student teach. The exams will be able to be completed through the BYU-Idaho testing center as part of ED 441 or ED 461.

Secondary candidates are encouraged to take Ed 461, two semesters before student teaching so that if they do not pass the exam as part of their Ed 461 class, they will have time to retake the exam before student teaching deadlines.

Elementary, ECSE & SPED K-12 candidates are encouraged to take Ed 441, two semesters before student teaching so that if they do not pass the exam as part of their Ed 441 class, they will have time to retake the exam before student teaching deadlines.

If ED 441 or ED 461 are taken in the final semester prior to Student Teaching, the student will be allowed an extension through the end of the semester to take and pass the related Literacy exams.  Failure to pass the exams will result in removal from the next semester's Student Teaching roster.
Technology Competency Assessments (TCA) Requirements
To better prepare candidates to use classroom technology, we require all education majors to obtain certification in the Google educator certification program. This certification replaces the old Technology Competency Assessments (TCA).

When candidates complete one of these certifications, they should submit, either electronically or in hard copy, the certificate of completion to the Student Teaching Services Office ( or Hinckley 325). Although candidates aren’t required to be certified until the semester before student teaching, we encourage all candidates to obtain their certification as soon as possible so as to be able to better apply the technology to practicums and assignments throughout their program.

Google Certification

Google Certification Level 1

Cost: $10.00
Time: 180 minutes