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History BYU-Idaho ROTC

Creation of ROTC

The Army Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC), as it exists today, began with President Woodrow Wilson signing the National Defense Act of 1916. Although military training had been taking place in civilian colleges and universities as early as 1819, the signing of the National Defense Act brought this training under single, federally-controlled entity:

The Reserve Officers' Training Corps. Army ROTC is the largest officer-producing organization within the U.S. military, having commissioned more than half a million 2nd Lieutenants since its inception.

ROTC and Ricks College

The BYU-Idaho Army ROTC's roots go back to the 1970's with Ricks College. It was a two-year program with only a few cadets. When President Henry B. Eyring was president of Rick’s College, said, "[The] ROTC was brought onto the campus in the last few years. I have been surprised at the reception of this large program. We began as a satellite program of Idaho State University; now we are almost as large as the Idaho State University program, because our young people have a feeling about their country. . . I think that in a country moving away from what might be called old-fashioned patriotism, Ricks is moving the other way."

BYU-Idaho "Viking Battalion"

Because Ricks College only offered two-year degrees, cadets in the Army ROTC would have to move on to finish their degrees and be commissioned at a different institution. This all changed in 2000 when Ricks College became BYU-Idaho. During this transition, BYU-Idaho saw its first students graduate and become officers in the U.S Army. Today, the BYU-Idaho Viking Battalion boasts more than 80 cadets with more joining every semester, making it one of the largest programs in the state.

Alumni of the Program

ROTC Seniors - Dec 2023

Class of 2024

2nd Row: Payton Dela-Cruz, Michael Buzan, Wolfgang Benion, SSG Joshua Racus, Nathan Adams, Zachary Bush, Gregory Lachaga, Austin Williams, 2LT Brayden Dotson

1st Row: SFC Tyson Abrams, Branden Rauch, Olivia Irish, Charlotte Walker, Greg Wilson, Carter Baumgartner, Regen Esplin, Richard Zuchlewski, Maya Kenley

Not in photo: Craig Dulop

Fall '23 Commissioning Program
Winter '24 Commissioning Program
Spring '24 Commissioning Program

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Class of 2023

3rd Row: MAJ Adam Rios, CPT Sean Quinn, MAJ Gregory Wilson, Jason Lloyd, Brennan Cotts, Jonathan Leach, Tyson Crowther, George Howlett, Tyler Henshaw

2nd Row: Joseph Pingel, 2LT Stockton Heiner, Ryan Foote, Adam Gregerson, Everton Checketts, Winston Wu, MSG Charles Meecham

1st Row: Cameron Muncy, Riley Grimshaw, Seth Gohnert, Kenneth Berger

Not in photo: Andrew Bailey, Colton Bell, Nathan Rands, Aaron Stephens

Fall '22 Commissioning Program
Winter '23 Commissioning Program
Spring '23 Commissioning Program
End of Camp '23 Commissioning Program

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Class of 2021

2nd Row: Darren Holm, Justin Steele, Joshua Zoller, Aaron Schmid, Sister Clifford Missing: Joshua Hawkins, Sephilons Vo, Sean Goettsche, Boyd Blackwood

1st Row: Mr. Wilson, CPT Hamilton, McKay McLelland, Nathan Hiener, Alisha Anderson, Spencer White, Michael Bradley, MSG Meecham, CPT Trickey


Class of 2020

3rd Row: Daniel Wilson, Hunter Williams

2nd Row: Mitchell Ormsby, Brennan Kemp, Austin Silva

1st Row: Seth Henry, Seth Barton, Aaron Schmidt, Sunny Tran, Beth Horan

Not in photo: Chaskiel Beher


Class of 2019

2nd Row: Jake Roberts, Nephi Carter, Devin Davis, Jackson Steele, Alex Homer

1st Row: 1LT Brian Becktel, CPT Cory Chatingy, Geoff Call, Stephen Malloy, Daniel Irvine, Sarah Kuhn, Briana Inestroza, Brian Weigel, Bear Hatfield, Tyler Kelly, MSG Drew Kimmey, Ret. MAJ Greg Wilson


Class of 2016

1st Row: Schumacher, Schoorl, Empey, Rickenbach, Aldes, Larsen, Richins, Fackrell, Moak, Burke, Cardinet, and Pressgrove


Class of 2014

2nd Row: Parker Johnson, Travis Comstock, Justin Sierkowski, Travis Seaman, Shane Lusk, Benjamin Zvirzden, Daniel Kohagen, David Vogan, Brain Becktel, SFC Alston, CW2 Grover

1st Row: CPT Herrmann, MAJ Esplin, Michael Muse, Kyle Hoggan, Brain Jones, Kenneth Hendricks, MAJ Wilson

Not in photo: Jared Miles


Class of 2013

1st Row: MAJ Esplin, CW2 Grover, Brain Robertson, Dustin Allen, Justin Sierkowski, Austin Jones, Derek Bohman, Colton Hyer, Devin Forbes, Benjamin Call, MAJ Wilson, SFC Alsto


Class of 2012

1st Row: MAJ Esplin, Michael Tripp, Tyler Wallock, Colton Hyer, Steven Trickey, SFC Alston, A.J. Edwards, Dru Woolston, MAJ Wilson, Matthew Judkins


Class of 2011

2nd Row: SFC Alston, Dillon Dance, Max Dummar, Brandon Schlecht, Bryce Papke, Sean Scrimshaw, Marcus Norton, Josh Anderson, MAJ Wilson

1st Row: Janine Clifford, MAJ Esplin, Brian Royer, Sean Quinn, SPC Baker

Not in photo: Skyler Onken, Justin Hill


Class of 2010

2nd Row: Janine Clifford, SSG Mathews, MAJ Wilson, SFC Alston, SPC Baker, MAJ Esplin

1st Row: Peter Nyugen, Cliff Johnson, Mike, Fahlmann, Kyle Yates, Zane Willams

Not in photo: Ian Wilstead, Jordan Lamkin, Elisabeth Walker


Class of 2009

1st Row: Jared Fulcher, Christina Gahley, Jeff Baldridge, Devin Richter


Class of 2008

1st Row: MAJ Esplin, Vaughn Ellsworth, Chris Stoker, Matt Hargrave, Thomas Smith, James Comish, SSG Mathews, MAJ Wilson

Not in photo: Dave Chapman


Class of 2006

1st Row: Russell Lehman, Greg Fetterman, B.J. Olsen

Not in photo: Joshua Toy, Jared Young


Class of 2004

1st Row: President Bednar, LTC Mikitish, Keith Grover, Kyle Kirkpatrick, Doug Shong, SFC Hartley, CPT Harris

Not in photo: Isacc Jones, Dave Demille, Eric Kraus