Understanding Our Expectations
While we love for you to have freedom and flexibility in your internship placements, we do have certain expectations you should be aware of:
- Focus. Your internship should allow you to use the skills you have learned in classes taken for your major. Think like a professional!
- Time. Your internship needs to be a substantial number of clock hours of work experience—usually between 100 and 160, depending on the program you are in. Those hours must be spread across at least 7 weeks and may start up to 2 weeks before a semester begins. Your internship must end by the last day of the semester.
- Cost. The internship course is usually equivalent to the tuition cost of about 1 credit. You may be eligible to receive an Internship Grant to help with your internship expenses. For more information, visit the Financial Aid Internship Grants page.
- In-Person. Because one-on-one interaction, mentoring, and feedback are important parts of the internship experience, we do not typically approve remote internships. That said, Marriage and Family Studies has actually approved a number of online internships. (See list below.)
- Assignments. During your internship, you will need to define your goals, complete a weekly journal entry on I-Learn, and write a final report that assesses what you learned. Your course syllabus will probably include a few other simple assignments your instructor wishes you to complete.
Finding an Internship
The links below will take you to spreadsheets that list actual internships that students have completed in the past. The lists are certainly not exhaustive, but they should give you some great ideas. Be creative and ask around!
Getting Your Internship Approved
Once you have found what you hope is an appropriate internship, submit an application using the form on the Internship Approval website. After your internship is approved, you can register for the internship course.
Questions regarding the internship process may be directed to internships@byui.edu or 208-496-9827. Additional information about internships may be found at byui.edu/internships.