Please come to the Theater Office in Snow 126 for information.
Costume Shop

The Costume Shop offers costume and professional services for students and community members. Please call or stop by to make an appointment.
Costume Rental Policy
Costume rentals are available by appointment only. A charge will apply to any costume rented out. For class presentations, please secure a note from your instructor. No rentals will be made during Finals Week.
Costume Return Policy
Costumes must be checked in by a Costume Shop employee. Call first to make sure someone will be there. If no one is available, come again later. Do not leave costumes without checking them in. A late fee will be applied to all late costume returns. If costumes get lost or stolen, you will be held responsible for replacement costs.
Script Library

The Theatre Script Library is an extension of the David O. McKay library. Scripts are available to students and faculty for study, classroom assignments, production work, and extracurricular activities. Scripts may be checked out with your I-card for a two-week period.
The Script Library is located next door to the Theatre Office, in Snow 130, where usualy office hours are maintained.
If the Script Library is closed upon your arrival, someone in the Theatre Office next door in SNO 126 can assist you with checking out a script.