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Student Living For Managers

Student living resources for managers and landlords to help student residents find success during their time at BYU-Idaho.
Student Living
Your Influence
Resolving Conflict
Building Culture
Student Living Meetings
Additional Resources
Student Living
Your Influence
Resolving Conflict
Building Culture
Student Living Meetings
Additional Resources

Student Living Made Simple

Student Living is not complicated; don’t overthink it. Living and teaching fundamental principles of love, responsibility, respect, kindness, honesty, cooperation, and forgiveness is Student Living. Make Student Living a daily part of your work.

Watch the first video and consider the following questions:
  1. What made this apartment special?
  2. What principles and/or values did you see in action?
  3. What is your role in helping residents create this type of apartment?
  4. How can you more strongly exemplify the principles of Student Living?

Watch this next video and consider the following questions:
  1. How can you show more love to your residents in natural and simple ways?
  2. How can you inspire your residents to show love to their roommates and others?
  3. How can you follow the Savior’s example to be a better leader and manager?

Your Influence As A Manager

Teaching residents is inherent in the daily life of a manager. In the simplest of ways, your words and actions can significantly influence residents.

Watch the following videos and ponder these questions:

  1. How does Student Living contribute to my purpose as a manager?
  2. How do I make Student Living a natural part of my daily work?
  3. How can I measure my influence on residents?

Resolving Conflicts

Conflict among residents or between residents and managers can be challenging. Use your position and influence to encourage peaceful and positive interaction. Here are some suggestions that may help you manage conflict.
Get all the facts icon
Get All the Facts
Before you take action, obtain as much information as you can from all parties involved. Do not jump to conclusions.
Listen to understand icon
Listen to Understand
Focus 100% on others as they speak. Don't think about what you want to say next. Try your best to put yourself in their shoes.
Address issues early icon
Address Issues Early
Don’t ignore conflict. Be prompt and responsive. Addressing issues early prevents misunderstandings and greater divisiveness.
Be clear icon
Be Clear
Don’t dance around the issue. Clearly describe your perspective and expectations.
Be Kind, Respectful, and Resourceful icon
Be Kind, Respectful, and Resourceful
To ease tensions, be kind and respectful. Identify solutions where everyone wins. Being resourceful shows empathy and professionalism.

The following videos discuss dealing with conflict.
Ponder the insights given and consider how you can apply these principles to conflicts that arise.

Building a Student Living Culture

Watch the following video and consider these questions:

  1. In what ways am I already promoting principles of Student Living?
  2. How can I set the example of Student Living as a manager
  3. How can I implement Student Living in natural ways?

Managers have a unique opportunity to create and foster a warm and inviting culture at their complex. An approved housing complex should be a place where students feel valued and respected.

The following videos show Student Living in action. What can you do as a manager to encourage this way of life?

As you build a Student Living culture, consider these five steps.

Step 1
Identify current attitudes and feelings of residents. How do they feel about one another? How do they feel about the complex?
Step 2
Plan creative ways to improve residents attitudes and perceptions. Consider activities, social media, or other initiatives to create and foster a Student Living culture.
Step 3
Have fun! Residents need to de-stress and engage in enjoyable and meaningful activities that also support their goals and desired outcomes.
Step 4
Always practice the principles of Student Living in your interactions with residents. Show love. Be kind. Be respectful. Be honest. Forgive.
Step 5
Continually seek feedback and try to assess your efforts. What might be working well? What can you do differently to achieve your goals?

Apartment landlords and managers meet each semester with student residents to teach principles of love, mutual respect, and shared responsibility.

What Are Student Living Meetings?

Landlords are expected to host a student living meeting at the start of each semester. These meetings are a great opportunity for landlords and managers to teach important principles that build and strengthen roommate relationships and set a general atmosphere for the property. The Student Living principles of love, mutual respect, and shared responsibility are the primary focus of each meeting and how they apply to an apartment setting. The meetings should favor principle-based dialogue rather than rule-heavy instruction. Apartment rules should be communicated and discussed, but helping students understand the student living principles will influence their behavior far more than simply reading or being told the rules. The Lord’s ultimate desire is for His children to learn to govern themselves by true principles.

How Do I Have A Successful Student Living Meeting?

Student Living Meetings can be conducted in a variety of ways. No matter which way you conduct your meeting, the most important element to your success is your own personal preparation and conviction in what you teach. As you plan your meeting, give great consideration to its structure, the way you present your topic(s), the actual content of the presentation, and the use of various resources. For further guidance, please review the items below on how to have a successful Student Living Meeting.

  • Group size is 35 or less.
  • The venue accommodates the entire group comfortably.
  • The setup allows for all students to be seated in a way that promotes participation and discussion.
  • Presentation is engaging and entirely discussion-based.
  • Questions are well-formulated, relevant, and open-ended, prompting meaningful dialogue and interaction among students.
  • Content is centered on Student Living.
  • Scenarios are posed that clearly reinforce the practical application of Student Living.
  • A meaningful invitation and method for follow-up are given.
Student Living resources are utilized to support and complement the discussion.

Where to Get Started

Sometimes it is hard to know where to start. With limited time between semesters and/or limited teaching experience, preparing a Student Living Meeting can seem impossible. To help alleviate this burden, we have a number of outlines already prepared for your use. As you prayerfully consider the needs of your residents, identify an outline that works best for them. Do your best to prepare in advance to foster the outcome you desire for your meeting.

August 02, 2022 05:25 PM
Review the lessons for managers for ideas and resources as you prepare for your Student Living Meetings.

Additional Student Living Resources

Student Living Meetings are a perfect opportunity for managers to teach important principles that build and strengthen roommate relationships and sets a general tone for the property.
Student Living Meetings are a perfect opportunity for managers to teach important principles that build and strengthen roommate relationships and sets a general tone for the property.
The Student Living Videos are meant to be used for training purposes and as examples during Student Living Meetings. Some of these videos represent common scenarios in the apartment, while others teach important principles to have at home.
Under this tab, you will find other resources like the Student Living Talks, Apartment Council, and Gallery.
The Student Living Guidebook provides a clear and thorough description of the purpose, principles, and desired outcomes of Student Living, defines the structure and recommended implementation of the Student Living model, and offers educational and resource materials for teaching and reinforcing the primary principles associated with gospel-centered apartment life.