Mandatory Information Meeting
Wondering how you can further develop your talents, make lifelong connections, strengthen your testimony of Jesus Christ, and have a profound influence on audience members and others? Perhaps a Collegiate Singers Performance Tour is the answer!
A Mandatory Information Meeting for all tour participants will be held during class on Monday, January 9, 2023, at 12:45 pm in SNO 269. At this meeting, you will be given an overview of the tour, find out what it will be like to go on tour, and learn what will be required of you as a tour participant. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and get answers.
A Follow-up Information Meeting for all tour participants will be held during class on Monday, March 13, 2023, at 12:45 pm in SNOW 269. We will share the tour schedule, review tour policies, and answer any questions you might have.
Student Tour Handbook
The Student Tour Handbook contains a detailed description of what you need to know for a tour. Please take the time to read through this document so you are well-prepared for the upcoming Performance Tour.
Tour Schedule
Tour Schedule with dates, tour destination cities, performance venues, and times.
Packing List
Wondering what to bring on tour? Here is the recommended packing list of personal items to bring.
Documents to Submit
Student tour participants are required to complete and submit a Participant Waiver online. A link will be emailed to each tour participant and is due on January 15. Performance Tour participants agree to abide by the CES Honor Code and BYU-Idaho Dress and Grooming standards.