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Academic Integrity

Academic Honesty means students do their own work. This also means their instructors will evaluate that work. Work derived from generative artificial intelligence (AI) resources without express permission from instructors is not considered the students’ original work. Honesty must extend to all forms of coursework. For more information, please refer to the Academic Honesty Policy.

GenAI is a powerful tool that could be used to further the aims of a BYU-Idaho education and augment learning. The sudden prominence of GenAI has led to many questions about when it is appropriate to use a GenAI service, including for academic purposes. BYU-Idaho does not currently have any specific school-wide policies to define permissible AI use for assignments, tests, or other schoolwork. For general principles, please refer to the Academic Honesty Policy and CES Honor Code.

Before using GenAI on an assignment, you must ask your professor for permission if they have not already explicitly stated that it is permitted. If the professor has not said anything about GenAI use for either the assignment or in the syllabus, assume that using GenAI is not permitted. For each class, the professor is the arbiter of academic integrity. Use them as your first recourse when determining what is acceptable or unacceptable for an assignment.

Some academic departments have specific policies, resources, or statements about the use of GenAI. The examples below contain information from various departments regarding the use of GenAI.