Computer Science & Engineering Drop-In Labs
Need help with your homework, want to meet other students, or seek volunteer opportunities? Join us in the CSE drop-in lab in STC 375 on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 3:30 PM to 6:30 PM. Other drop-in labs are available for other majors on campus too.
Find Resources to Help You Succeed
Get a free tutor (if available for your course) to boost your academic performance or help understand difficult or challenging concepts.
Find answers to your degree questions, or schedule an appointment with an academic advisor on campus or online.
Find Computer Science and Engineering-specific information on where to find the best internships and the requirements for you major.
Other Student Resources
Resources provided to help you succeed in your educational endeavors.
Every student has access to a Google account, LinkedIn Learning, MS Office, One Drive, and more.
Map out classes you need in upcoming semesters with these major-specific charts.
Find a society to join to boost your resume, meet others, and grow your network and skillset.
Fill out a form to take the exam. If you pass, you can skip CSE 110 and jump to CSE111 Programming with Functions.