Computer Hardware Requirements
2. Processor: Intel (i5+), AMD (Ryzen5+), or Apple Silicon (M1+)
3. Memory (RAM): 16+GB recommended
4. Storage (SSD): 256GB minimum, 500+GB recommended
5. Camera and microphone
*Electrical & Computer Engineering require Windows
Microsoft Office 365
Microsoft 365 is available without cost to current students with a BYU-Idaho Account. When you are no longer a student, these resources will no longer be available free of charge.
Find Other Software You Need for Class
Get the software and applications you need for class. Design programs, security software, productivity applications, and more can be found via the downloads store. Visit the BYUI Bookstore to view Free and Discounted software available to students.
Cloud Storage
Students have a couple of cloud file storage services available to them that allow users to sync, share, and access files from multiple locations. Backup homework and other important documents to one of these cloud storage services for disaster recovery.
The version of OneDrive used by BYU-Idaho offers one terabyte (TB) of online storage space that can be accessed from multiple devices, from any location, and on any browser.
Google Drive
Google Drive is a file storage service that allows users to sync, share, and access files from multiple locations. The version of Google Drive used by BYU-Idaho offers one 100 GB of online storage space that can be accessed from multiple devices, from any location, and on any browser.