Evacuation Procedures
Procedures for an evacuation will be coordinated by the UEC and are as follows:
1. Ensure that emergency response services and the Security and Safety Office are notified for all building emergency evacuations as appropriate.
2. Direct Security and Safety officer(s) to report to the evacuation assembly point and act as a liaison with responding emergency response services.
3. Receive status reports from area Building Coordinators.
4. Provide information about the building layout, systems, processes, and special hazards to emergency response personnel.
5. Coordinate with key building administrators on building occupation and operation issues.
6. Assign Building Coordinators or other assigned personnel, as needed, to be stationed by all building entrances to prevent unsuspecting personnel from reentering the building.
7. Issue an all-clear order stating that the general public may reenter the building.
About BYU-I Emergency Response
In an emergency situation, the response at BYU-Idaho will be guided by the policies laid out in the BYU-Idaho Emergency Operations Plan (EOP). According to the EOP, the campus has organized a functioning University Emergency Committee (UEC) that meets regularly to train and prepare for any emergency that may occur on campus. The UEC is directed by a University Response Coordinator (UERC) who is ultimately responsible for the preparation, response, and recovery to any emergency situation on campus.
BYU-Idaho will also work very closely with the Madison County EOC in coordinating a response that will best serve the needs of campus and Madison County. A liaison officer has been assigned from the BYU-Idaho UEC to coordinate all mutual aid agreements with the county emergency response units. The BYU-Idaho Security & Safety Office responds to all emergencies on campus and will work directly with, and assist when necessary, county and state emergency response units.