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Mass Notification Procedures

Information about BYU-Idaho’s mass notification systems and procedures to send emergency notifications to students and employees.

Notification Systems

 BYU-Idaho Students walking in the skywalk on campus using their phones.

The university has four separate emergency notification systems to alert the campus community.

1. The Everbridge mass notification system contacts students and employees through email, phone messaging, and texting.
2. Emergency messages can be sent to enunciators on campus "blue phones."
3. Emergency messages can also be sent to the projectors in every classroom campus-wide or in specific buildings.
4. A software package that distributes an emergency message to every phone on campus.

These systems are being networked so that the same message can be broadcast simultaneously on all four systems. Emergency notification procedures will be tested on an annual basis and the results documented including date, time, evaluation of the process, and whether it was announced or unannounced.

Notification Procedures

The following procedures are taken to notify the campus community of emergencies that may impact the campus community or place students, employees, or visitors in imminent danger.
Determining Threat Level
The Emergency Notification Committee reviews reports of violent crime or natural disasters received from Security & Safety, local police, or government officials. The committee meets to determine the threat level and then selects a prepared statement or prepares a specific statement to use in unique circumstances in order to disseminate an appropriate emergency notification to the campus community. The threat level determines which of two types of notifications will be used to alert the community.
Possible Safety Impact On Campus
If the committee finds reason to believe that an incident may impact safety on campus, a "Timely Notice" will be disseminated to the community within 24 hours, unless issuing a notification will, in the professional judgment of responsible authorities, compromise efforts to assist a victim or to contain, respond to, or otherwise mitigate the emergency. The notice will include suggestions on how to avoid harm or protect against the described threat or danger.
Imminent Danger In Campus Community
If the Emergency Notification Committee finds reason to believe that the campus community is in imminent danger, a "Mass Notification" will be disseminated by Security & Safety using the campus emergency notification system. The message will consist of instructions to evacuate, shelter in place, lock-down or take other actions specific to the emergency.
Emergency On Campus
In the event of an emergency on campus, the community at large will be notified by University Communications who will contact local media outlets, University-owned radio KBYR 91.5 FM, and post current warnings or updates on the campus website. 

Emergency Notification Commitee

The University maintains an Emergency Notification Committee with members consisting of the University President, University Resources Vice President, Advancement Vice President, and the Director of Security & Safety or an appropriate replacement in their absence.