Permits can be purchased online by logging in to Student Express. Click “Request Parking Permit” under the Parking Express tab. You will receive a confirmation email when your permit is ready for pickup. You will need your I-Number and vehicle information if not already on your account.
At the beginning of the semester, permits and I-Cards will be available to pick up in the bowling alley of the Manwaring Center. You will need either your I-number or the QR code from the confirmation email. After the first three days of the semester, permits and I-Cards will need to be picked up from the Parking Services office at Kimball 150-H.
Credit and debit cards are accepted. Permit Purchase will be charged to your Personal Account.
Please purchase online unless you receive an error while trying.
Permits can be purchased in person at the Parking Services office in the Kimball building, room 150-H. When the permit is handed out, the charge will be attached to your student account and can be paid at Accounting Services, also in the Kimball building. The parking office itself does not handle payments.
Permits can be purchased in person at the Parking Services office in the Kimball building, room 150-H. When the permit is handed out, the charge will be attached to your student account and can be paid at Accounting Services, also in the Kimball building. The parking office itself does not handle payments.
Pay online through your personal account with a card.
Cash and check are accepted at the Accounting Services cashier windows. They do not take cards.
Cash and check are accepted at the Accounting Services cashier windows. They do not take cards.
Each student is only allotted one (1) parking permit issued by the university. Non-campus housing stickers do not count as permits. A student should never have more than one current pass attached to their account; if they do, they will be asked to return the extra permit(s). The only exception is for those living at University Village; UV passes may be used to park in Economy, but the student may also have another pass.
No. However, if your vehicle has unassigned citations, you will need to get them assigned by contacting the Parking Services office (208-496-3030). Citations can be paid online at your Personal Account or in person at the Accounting Services cashier windows. Any unpaid citations will create a financial hold at the end of the semester and prevent the release of official transcripts.
The school will work with you. Talk to Accounting Services to set up a payment plan.
Attending a one-time, hour-long parking class on Thursdays will get the more expensive of your first two citations voided. Learn more.
Attending a one-time, hour-long parking class on Thursdays will get the more expensive of your first two citations voided. Learn more.
Only visitors, community patrons, and those with handicapped permits can park free of charge. Students and Faculty are not considered visitors. They will receive a citation if parked in visitor parking. Permits are required from 7:00 AM – 4:00 PM Monday through Friday. Parking on campus is prohibited between 1:00 AM – 4:00 AM, excluding students with Long Term permits. All other times permit parking will not be enforced.
You can park anywhere on campus except for the following: visitor stalls, service stalls, time stalls beyond the time limit on the sign, and stalls reserved for campus vehicles. The need for a pass is waived, but parking rules and regulations must still be observed.
Starting when registration opens, parking passes can also be reserved via Student Express. You have one week into the semester for which they were purchased to pick up your reserved permits before they are refunded and put back up for public sale.
You can park in your housing lots and in Economy lots on campus. Economy parking includes Lots 28, 27, 26, 19, and the eastern half of Lot 25. All other lots are off-limits. Please refer to the parking map for lot numbers.
Some lots are strictly staff parking. These will be marked by signs designating the lot as “A” permit parking. Other parking lots may be divided between students and staff. In these lots, rows of faculty and student parking will be marked by signage. “A” permits are allowed in “N” and “S” designated stalls.
Yes. However, student employees (teachers’ assistants included) do not qualify for these permits.
No. Permits in vehicles that are not attached to the permit come back as lost or stolen and will be booted.
If Parking Services can connect you to your spouse, you are allowed to share permits.
You can appeal citations within 14 days of receiving them.
In your appeal, explain your reasoning for why you believe your citation should be voided. A committee of your student peers will review your appeal and will email their decision to you. They will either deny the appeal, reduce the fee, or accept your appeal.
In your appeal, explain your reasoning for why you believe your citation should be voided. A committee of your student peers will review your appeal and will email their decision to you. They will either deny the appeal, reduce the fee, or accept your appeal.
The last day to switch your pass is the last day for returns for textbooks. Special circumstances may allow you to exchange after that date.
Faculty and Staff
University employees will need to pick their permits up in person at Kimball 150-H; mailing the permit is not allowed. New employees need to pick up a parking authorization sheet from HR in Kimball 226. Fill out the form and request the permit at Kimball 150-H.
The school will work with you. Talk to Accounting Services to set up a payment plan.
Citations can be paid online on your personal account or in person at the Accounting Services cashier windows with cash or check.
As an employee, your immediate family members that currently reside with you are able to use your permits. These are the only individuals that are allowed to share your permit.
Only visitors, community patrons, and those with handicapped permits can park free of charge. Students and Faculty are not considered visitors. They will receive a citation if parked in visitor parking. Permits are required from 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM Monday through Friday. Parking on campus is prohibited between 1:00 AM – 4:00 AM, excluding students with Long Term permits. All other times not previously mentioned are not permit parking enforced.
Faculty and staff can park anywhere in a lot except for service stalls, IT vehicle stalls, visitor stalls, and handicapped stalls (unless they are holders of a current handicapped permit).
When using your secondary permit, if you have one, you are only allowed to park in the lots that correspond to its type. For example, a North A permit will be cited if it is found in a South or A lot.
When using your secondary permit, if you have one, you are only allowed to park in the lots that correspond to its type. For example, a North A permit will be cited if it is found in a South or A lot.
Departments can request Visitor Permits through the Visitor Parking Request form. Please request them one business day in advance. If unable to request them in advance, they can be requested and picked up at Kimball 150-H.
In some lots, there are reserved stalls for service and IT vehicles, however, University vehicles will not be cited for parking in regular stalls.
Adjunct faculty only receive one temporary A permit. Adjunct faculty must renew their permit when they renew their contract. Full-time faculty receive one long-term A permit and, if they have a second vehicle, their choice of either a North or a South secondary permit. Additional N and S permits may be bought at the student rates.
Secondary permits act the same as student permits. Neither can park in A lots. Please be aware of signage when parking after having switched permits.
Secondary permits act the same as student permits. Neither can park in A lots. Please be aware of signage when parking after having switched permits.
You can appeal citations within 14 days of receiving them.
In your appeal, explain your reasoning for why you believe your citation should be voided. A committee of your student peers will review your appeal and will email their decision to you. They will either deny the appeal, reduce the fee, or accept your appeal.
In your appeal, explain your reasoning for why you believe your citation should be voided. A committee of your student peers will review your appeal and will email their decision to you. They will either deny the appeal, reduce the fee, or accept your appeal.
Campus Visitors
Visitors can park anywhere on campus. If parking outside of a designated visitor stall, a pass is required. Visitor Permits are free of charge, if you can’t request the pass one business day in advance or don’t have access to a printer, a visitor pass can be picked up at the Parking Services office in the Kimball building, room 150-H.
You can park on campus all day. Nighttime parking (1:00 AM – 4:00 AM) requires an overnight permit, which can also be requested at the Parking Services office.
If you are on campus for extended amounts of time for reasons such as community-hosted classes, library access, etcetera, you can get registered as a community patron. This will allow you to park anywhere on campus without a parking pass.
No. However, to avoid further citations, a temporary visitor pass should be requested from Parking Services.
Event Parking
If an event is happening on campus, the department planning the event will include Parking Services in the planning of the event and contact Parking Services to close a lot(s) or portions of a lot. It is the responsibility of the department requesting the lot closure to timely notify affected students and employees of lot closures. It is also the department’s responsibility to inform attendees of parking arrangements.
Parking Services officers only direct traffic for the Christmas concert, certain devotionals, and graduation. Departments are responsible for finding their own traffic coordinators.
Parking Services officers only direct traffic for the Christmas concert, certain devotionals, and graduation. Departments are responsible for finding their own traffic coordinators.
Any reservation must be approved through the scheduling office. If you plan to have a lot closed, or if you have approval for a closure, please inform Parking Services in advance and involve us in your planning for the event.
This depends on the purpose of the lot reservation. Maintenance work may require extended reservations, but the duration, however long, must be approved by the school administration.
For day reservations, parking officers will block off the lot before 4:00 AM. For extended reservations, lots may need to be reserved by section.
For day reservations, parking officers will block off the lot before 4:00 AM. For extended reservations, lots may need to be reserved by section.
A ticket scam is the citation given when a ticket is found on a windshield that does not correspond to the current date and/or location of that vehicle. Often, this is seen as an attempt to evade further citations and is, therefore, fraudulent behavior. If you received a citation for a ticket scam and feel this is not the case, you may submit an appeal.
Vehicles are booted to identify the owner. The most common instances are booting after the third unassigned citation, having two campus permits in or on the vehicle, and not displaying a valid license plate. Boot removal is free. Once the condition for booting the vehicle is satisfied, the boot will be removed from the vehicle.
This means that your plate was called in to make sure you were affiliated with the school. In most cases, if you come back registered in the system as anything other than a community patron or contractor, you are cited. Visitors may have citations voided.
If you are a student, staff, or faculty member, yes. For students, outstanding fees may prevent the release of official transcripts or registering for classes. For faculty and staff, Financial Services may initiate their collection policies for unpaid fines. If you cannot afford to pay the fees, talk to Accounting Services for payment plans.
Step-by-step instructions on how to pay a parking citation.
Step-by-step instructions on how to pay a parking citation.
Sometimes, parking notices fall off vehicles or are removed. However, the charge will still show up on your student account. You will be notified through your BYU-Idaho email letting you know you have received a citation. You can view citations online.
Parking Services is a BYU-Idaho institution. Therefore, only BYUI will have your citation record history. Parking Services is unaffiliated with the local, state, or government police. The citations, warnings, and boots received on campus will not go on a criminal record of any sort.
You can get a doctor’s note and either bring a hard copy to the Parking Services office, or you can email a copy to If the doctor’s note is valid, your driver’s license will be copied, and a temporary handicapped pass may be issued. When these steps are completed, you will need to pick up your handicap permit at the Kimball building in room 150-H. BYUI issued Handicap permits are only valid in BYUI lots; it is not reported or affiliated with any government agency.
You can appeal citations within 14 days of receiving them.
In your appeal, explain your reasoning for why you believe your citation should be voided. A committee of your student peers will review your appeal and will email their decision to you. They will either deny the appeal, reduce the fee, or accept your appeal.
Step-by-step instructions on how to appeal a citation.
In your appeal, explain your reasoning for why you believe your citation should be voided. A committee of your student peers will review your appeal and will email their decision to you. They will either deny the appeal, reduce the fee, or accept your appeal.
Step-by-step instructions on how to appeal a citation.