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Improvement Projects

An improvement project is a pre-scheduled, targeted project that involves more than a couple of hours of work from an instructional designer and possibly other members of the Course Council. Improvement projects may include changing a textbook, designing new learning activities, finding material suited for the online environment, and so forth.

Simple content replacements, minor fixes, or smaller-scale, ready-to-implement changes should be discussed as a council to determine the timing and who will make the changes.

Simply put, improvement projects should be scheduled any time changes to a course will require more than a few hours of work. This is because changes that require significant time to implement usually require input and dedicated time from all (or at least part) of the Course Council. The following changes in a course would likely need to be scheduled as improvement projects:
  • Writing or revising rubrics
  • Redesigning learning activities
  • Significant reordering/restructuring of content within course
  • Introducing new tools or resources
  • Extensive changes to large sections of the course
  • Industry shifts
  • Changing the course textbook*
*In some courses, textbook changes may require redevelopment.

Involvement will vary among members of the council depending on the specific improvement project. A curriculum designer is assigned to each project, and the entire Course Council will always be made aware of changes involved. Please note that the designer assigned to the project may or may not be the same designer serving on the Course Council. Designers can advise on expected levels of involvement for individual council members. See the Course Governance section of the Online Handbook and the Course Update Policy for more information.

Improvement projects require thoughtful participation from all or part of the Course Council, who each have a vital perspective on the course. Scheduling projects in advance ensures everyone has enough time to thoughtfully participate. In particular, it ensures designer and course lead time is properly prioritized against other responsibilities, and ACL time is fairly compensated.

Improvement projects are scheduled at least a semester in advance and prioritized across the entire portfolio of online courses. A project requested in the Fall semester will likely take place during the following Winter semester.

ACL’s and course leads should generally not devote extensive amounts of time to improvement projects or maintaining a course unless arrangements have previously been made with Online Instruction and the on-campus department. The Course Council's designer will be able to help gauge how much of their involvement is necessary and whether an improvement project is the best option.

  1. The Course Council discusses what needs to be accomplished and what resources will be required.
  2. All projects are reviewed and prioritized according to their urgency, impact, and the availability of Course Council members and other designers.
  3. The improvement project begins during the scheduled semester.