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Manufacturing Student Resources

Discover educational objectives, requirements, data, and course plans to aid you in decision making for your manufacturing degree.
Student Resources
Program Educational Objectives
Laptop Requirements
Student Outcomes
Academic Catalog
Recommended Course Sequence
Manufacturing Engineering Technology Faculty Mentors
ABET Accreditation
Enrollment and Degree Data
Program Educational Objectives
Laptop Requirements
Student Outcomes
Academic Catalog
Recommended Course Sequence
Manufacturing Engineering Technology Faculty Mentors
ABET Accreditation
Enrollment and Degree Data
Program Educational Objectives
Laptop Requirements
Student Outcomes
Academic Catalog
Recommended Course Sequence
Manufacturing Engineering Technology Faculty Mentors
ABET Accreditation
Enrollment and Degree Data
Program Educational Objectives
  1. Service—Exercise faith in God, and maintain high standards of personal integrity through lifelong service to family, church, profession, and community.
  2. Contribution—Add value in their chosen field of endeavor through effective interpersonal, communication, leadership, and teamwork skills.
  3. Technical Competence—Establish a proficient level of technical competence consistent with current manufacturing methods
  4. Problem Solving—Integrate fundamentals of engineering and technology to solve manufacturing challenges.
  5. Lifelong Learning—Maintain currency in their field through continued learning and improvement.
Laptop Requirements
Students are expected to have a laptop running a 64-bit Microsoft Windows operating system with at least 16 GB of RAM. Students who prefer to use a Mac will be required to also install a Microsoft Windows operating system on their laptop.

The University Help Desk can help students understand the hardware requirements and various options and costs associated with installing a Windows operating system on a Mac.
Student Outcomes
  1. Fundamentals—Apply knowledge, techniques, skills, and modern tools of mathematics, science, engineering, and technology to solve broadly-defined engineering problems appropriate to the discipline.
  2. Design—Design systems, components, or processes meeting specified needs for broadly-defined engineering problems appropriate to the discipline.
  3. Manufacturing—Determine appropriate manufacturing solutions, including methods and processes, to produce a product.
  4. Communication—Apply written, oral, and graphical communication in broadly-defined technical and non-technical environments, and identify and use appropriate technical literature.
  5. Analysis—Conduct standard tests, measurements, and experiments and analyze and interpret the results to improve processes.
  6. Teamwork—Function effectively as a member as well as a leader on technical teams.
  7. Ethics - Recognize ethical responsibilities in engineering technology disciplines. 
Students at graduation

Academic Catalog

Requirements for graduation with a B.S. degree in manufacturing engineering technology are found in the course catalog.

View the Academic Catalog

Recommended Course Sequence
Use the following flowcharts to assist you in planning your path to graduation.

2024-2025 8 Semester Plan

2024-2025 10 Semester Plan 
Manufacturing Engineering Technology Faculty Mentors
Every student is assigned a faculty mentor to assist them in reaching their academic and career goals. Your faculty mentor can answer your questions and make recommendations regarding course sequencing and elective course selection, career options, preparing to enter the workforce, and applying to graduate schools.

To find your faculty mentor, log on to your account. They will be listed in the "Academic Summary" section.
ABET Accreditation
The Bachelor of Science degree program in Manufacturing Engineering Technology is accredited by the Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission of ABET.

Enrollment and Degree Data