Emergency Communication Channels
In the event of an emergency, important information will be distributed in the ways listed below
In the event of an on-campus emergency, an email will be distributed to current on-campus students and campus employees to their byui.edu email account. The email will include the nature of the emergency, the level of the emergency (color code) and instructions. It will also contain a link to emergency.byui.edu for more information.
Web Banners
Banners on the BYUI homepage will also be changed to give information regarding the emergency and threat level (color code). These will be updated regularly until the emergency has conclude.
Mobile Text
A mass text notification will be sent to on-campus students and employees containing the nature of the emergency whether or not immediate action is required and what that action is. Updates will also be sent through this medium.
Campus TVs
In the event of an on-campus emergency, TV screens on the BYU-Idaho Campus will be used to distribute information quickly.
Social Media
All posts on social media will point towards the emergency.byui.edu website. Our accounts will be updated regularly throughout the situation to reflect the status of the situation.