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Economics Academic Societies

Investment Society

Investment Society
The goal of the Investment Society is to help undergraduate students prepare for their careers by building networking, interviewing, and other soft skills so they are well-prepared to enter graduate school or the financial sector after graduation. The society also participates in real-world projects that are sourced by teaming up with financial firms, specifically in the areas of banking, investing, risk management, and corporate finance.

The society meets every Thursday at 11:30 a.m. in SMI 123.

Links & Resources
Faculty Advisors: Greg McKee and Rick Hirschi
E-mail: and
Links & Resources
Faculty Advisor: Rick Hirschi

I-Belong Website

PAS Society

Uniting Education and Industry in Agriculture
PAS Logo
Postsecondary Agricultural Student Organization (PAS)
Our mission is to provide individual growth, leadership, and career preparation opportunities for professional agriculture students. Our vision is to be the premier leadership and career development organization serving college agriculture students. Learn professional agriculture experience and gain knowledge, prepare for your career goals, deepen the comprehension of your specific interesting industry, prepare for the national conference and participate in the competition, build connections with other members and industrial people, and exercise your leadership!

The society meets at different times. Check social media for upcoming events.
Links & Resources
Faculty Advisor:  Jeremy Slade
Dues:  $15 per semester



National Website

I-Belong Website

Economics Society

Economics Society
The mission of the Economics Society is to increase understanding of economics, enhance skills of the members, and enrich all aspects of the lives of those involved. To achieve this mission an emphasis will be made in graduate school and job preparation, research of scholarly issues in economics, discussion of economic topics of concern, and social betterment. This is also a great way to support networking between individuals of the same field.

The society meets at different times. Check social media for upcoming events.
Links & Resources
Faculty Advisor: Joshua Tibbitts



I-Belong Website