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Department of Economics
Prepare for employment, post-graduate education, or life-long learning.

Real-World Opportunities

A BYU-I economics student looks at a graph on a computer screen

The Department of Economics prepares students for many exciting and challenging employment opportunities, and offers a wide variety of course work in economics, financial economics, agribusiness, and agricultural economics. The close relationship between teachers and students creates a learning atmosphere that encourages the development of the finest students.

Students receive excellent training from applied and theoretical exercises that involve hands-on computer modeling, applications in financial analysis and international trade and economics and business cases. All Agribusiness, Agricultural Economics, Economics, and Financial Economics majors obtain real-world experience through internships. A wide variety of locations and working environments are available throughout the United States.

Students majoring in economics or financial economics develop strong analytical and quanitative reasoning skills that enable them to not only solve problems but also identify with appropriate questions to ask in evaluating the alternatives that exist. This economic way of thinking helps individuals on a daily basis with the decisions they face and allows them to address issues in a wide variety of areas including finance, business, law, public policy, and international trade and development. Since every decision involves a trade-off, economics analyzes how individuals or families, businesses, and governments allocate scarce resources to competing alternatives and the impact of those decisions.