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Course Dependency Flowcharts

Plan your semesters in advance! Course dependency charts help you to know what classes you should be taking during your time at BYU-Idaho. Find your chart here.

B.S. in Software Engineering

Find plans and expectations for your future degree in Software Engineering.

B.S. in Computer Science

View an 8 Semester Plan for your degree in Computer Science

B.S. in Computer Engineering

Find plans and expectations for your future degree in Computer Engineering.

B.S. in Electrical Engineering

Find plans and expectations for your future degree in Engineering.

B.S. in Cloud Computing

Discover various paths for your future degree in Cloud Computing.

B.S. in Cybersecurity

Explore prospective pathways for your future degree in Cybersecurity.

B.S. in Web Design & Development

Check out possible plans for your future degree in Web Design and Development.

A.A.S in Electrical and Computer Engineering

Find plans and expectations for your future Associates degree in Computer Engineering.