Looking for a job while attending school?
This page contains part-time, local jobs and tasks listed by community members and businesses. You'll find personal service needs or part time entry-level positions. These are jobs for which someone would like to hire a student for a temporary period.
For career, full time, and degree entry-level employment postings, internships, etc. Please be sure to visit handshake.
Need to add a job to the Help Wanted board?
BYU-Idaho strives to ensure all postings are legitimate, but advises you to use caution and common sense when applying for any position. Beware of scammers and postings that request wire transfers or provide large amounts of money for little work. Also beware of jobs that require you to remove money from personal financial accounts. Do not trust job postings in which someone sends you a check and has you cash it for them. Thoroughly research any company or individual that is asking you to handle money without training, experience or official documentation.