Here's How the SCOT Program Works
SCOTs help faculty improve learning in their classrooms by providing insight from the student perspective.

Here's How the SCOT Program Works
SCOTs help faculty improve learning in their classrooms by providing insight from the student perspective.
The Student Consultants on Teaching program or SCOTs help faculty improve their teaching environments and reflect on their teaching practices by providing data, feedback, and insight from a student perspective. All SCOT consults are faculty initiated and are descriptive rather than evaluative in nature. A report is then generated by the Student Consultant for the faculty member and shared only with them. Whether the consult is focused on feedback or data is based on the kind of consult requested and the individual goals of the faculty. The entire process is between the individual Student Consultant and the requesting faculty member. Nothing in the SCOT process evaluates faculty performance.
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Types of Consultation Services
They sit in on your class and take notes about the process. They then provide you with a written report of what went on during the class, how much time was spent in various activities, who participated, what kinds and how many questions were asked, etc.
Faux Student
The student consultant takes notes as if he or she were a student in the class and then gives these notes to you.
You leave the room for the first or last 15 minutes of class while the SCOT interviews and surveys the students about their learning and their perceptions of the course. The student consultant then provides you with a written report of their findings.
Focus Group
The SCOT organizes a group of your students outside of class to participate in a more in-depth interview/survey. The SCOT then generates a written report and meets with you to discuss his or her findings.
The student consultant goes through your I-learn course and makes suggestions to improve your class I-learn through chronological structure, ease of navigation, and transparency. The goal is to improve the student experience and ease of use.
AI Consult
The SCOT will meet with your students for 10 minutes at the beginning or the end of class. They will administer a survey and interview your students on their AI use in your class, their understanding of your AI policy, and other questions that are AI related that you want the student consultant to ask.
You are welcome to request a SCOT for any activity that you feel will help you better understand the dynamics in your classroom or around your teaching.
Looking for help from a Student Consultant? Fill out the SCOT request form and please include the name of the course as well as the meeting time and place for the class. You’re also welcome to request a specific student consultant to work with you. The student will contact you to discuss your expectations and desires. They will then carry out your desired activity. Afterwards, they will write a report and meet with you to discuss their findings according to the service you've had them perform. While professional development training can also be helpful, it can be difficult to apply back to your teaching.
Why use the SCOT program?
The following three-minute video shows some BYU-Idaho faculty talking about their experience with the SCOT program.
Contact SCOTs