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To Live Well Amid Worldly Decay

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"To Live Well Amid Worldly Decay"

Elder Richard G. Scott

February 24, 2004

I express profound gratitude for the privilege and blessing of being with each of you. I thank you for the sacrifice and quality of your life that permit you to be here. You are a very select group of righteous young men and women who love the Lord and want above all else, to obey His commandments. As I look into your faces, I am touched to the very core of my being. There is a radiance, an excitement, an expression of calm assurance and above all, an aura of purity and righteousness that emanate from you. I am not speaking of physical beauty, although there is much of that. I refer to something far more important—the peace and power that radiate from your worthy, righteous, purposeful lives. I am sure you can feel it.

Do you want to know how to get the most benefit from this time together? Write down the impressions you feel. You would never think of going to a class at this university and never take a note of what is said or ponder the meaning of principles communicated nor seek to incorporate them into your life. Nonetheless, that is what precisely some do when in a spiritual environment where eternal truth is taught and confirmed by impressions of the Holy Spirit. Make no such mistake. Apply the same principles you have learned to acquire, remember and use secular knowledge to your pursuit of eternal truth. Spiritual moments in life often come when it seems difficult to record them. Yet that special effort to crystalize in a permanent record sacred impressions of the Holy Spirit is powerfully rewarded. Begin now even if you have to borrow paper and pencil to do it.

You are now making some of the most critically important decisions of your life—decisions that will have a profound influence on your happiness, on what you will become and how you will spend eternity. I have prayerfully sought guidance of the Lord to be able to share with you some of the principles that guide correct decisions. I know they are true. They are founded in doctrine, and they have been proven in the crucible of my own life. In today’s world you do not have the assurance of making the right choices in essential matters without divine guidance. Later, I will give suggestions concerning how that help can be obtained. I pray that during this time together the Lord will convey His message to your mind and heart through the Holy Spirit. It will be a message tailored to your personal needs. Again, I strongly urge you to write down any impressions that come to you. That guidance from the Holy Spirit will be the most important part of what will occur today.

For a few minutes I would like to benefit from the participation of some of you by your use of the microphones that have been explained to you. If those of you who want to help will ask for a microphone now it will save precious time. I promise I won’t embarrass you.

As two recent comments of President Hinckley are displayed think of how you would answer this question: Why can those two apparently conflicting statements of President Hinckley both be true?

“The traditional family is under heavy attack. I do not know that things were worse in the times of Sodom and Gomorrah. . . . We see similar conditions today. They prevail all across the world. I think our Father must weep as He looks down upon His wayward sons and daughters.” 1

“Who in the earlier days could have dreamed of this season of opportunity in which we live? . . . The Church is in wonderful condition . . . It will grow and strengthen. . . .It is our opportunity and our challenge to continue in this great undertaking, the future of which we can scarcely imagine.” 2

[ Pause to discuss]

In the October 2002 general conference, President Hinckley gave a stirring message entitled: “The Marvelous Foundation of Our Faith.” In it he boldly, eloquently, bore witness of the essential elements of the Message of the Restoration, then made an urgent plea. As I read that plea think of how you personally can respond to it.

“This must be our great and singular message to the world. . . . We testify in humility but with gravity and absolute sincerity. We invite all, the whole earth, to listen to this account and take measure of its truth. God bless us as those who believe in His divine manifestations and help us to extend knowledge of these great and marvelous occurrences to all who will listen.” 3

[ Pause to discuss ]

Will some of you please suggest how you can help respond to the following need described by our inspired President Hinckley:

“In the Church we are working very hard to stem the tide of . . . evil. But it is an uphill battle, . . . we are succeeding in a substantial way. . . .We must not give up. We must not become discouraged. We must never surrender to the forces of evil. We can and must maintain the standards for which this church has stood since it was organized. There is a better way than the way of the world.” 4

[ Pause to discuss ]

Thank you for your valiant help and valuable suggestions. You are most precious. We will not have further need of the microphones.

Now let us soberly discuss the treacherous challenges that surround you and how to overcome them. The world is being engulfed in a rising river of degenerate filth, with the abandonment of virtue, righteousness, traditional marriage, family life and personal integrity. President Hinckley has warned publicly that conditions are comparable to those of Sodom and Gomorrah, the epitome of unholy life in the Old Testament. However, while isolated then that condition is now pervasive over the world. Satan skillfully manipulates for his purposes the power of all types of media and the broad avenues of communication. His success has greatly increased worldwide the extent and availability of such degrading and destructive influences. In the past, generally some effort was required to seek out such evil. Now it saturates large portions of virtually every environment throughout the world. We cannot dry up the mounting river of evil influences for they are the result of the exercise of moral agency divinely granted by Our Father to His children. But we can, with clarity, warn of the consequences of getting close to its enticing, devouring current. We can even provide life preservers for those caught in those vanquishing waters who recognize the need for help. Yet many are, and will be, so engrossed in the stimulation that comes from such disobedience that they will not hear that warning voice. Nonetheless, you must do your best to communicate what has been restored to earth and is available to all who desire to live a fullness of joy and a productive, growing life.

God has provided a way to live in this world and not contaminated by the degrading pressures evil agents spread throughout it. You can live a virtuous, productive, righteous life, by following the plan of protection created by your Father in Heaven. It is contained in the scriptures and in the inspired declarations of His prophets. He tabernacled your intelligence with spirit and made it possible for you to enjoy the wonder of a physical body. When you do that in the ways He had decreed, you will be abundantly blessed.

Have you noticed how Satan’s technique is to capture the mind and emotions with flashing images, blaring music, and the stimulation of every physical sense to excess. As a result, there is no opportunity to perceive the quiet promptings of the Spirit. He strives at all costs to so fill life with action, entertainment, and stimulation that an individual does not contemplate the consequences of his tempting invitations. Think of it. Some are tempted to violate commandments because of the seductive portrayal on movie, television, and computer screens of drama where the violation of the most basic commandments of God are portrayed as acceptable. They are made to seem attractive, even desirable. There seems to be no serious consequence, rather apparent lasting joy and happiness. But recognize that those scenarios are controlled by scripts and actors. The outcome of decisions made is likewise manipulated to be whatever the producer desires it to be. Life is not that way. Yes, moral agency allows choice to be made of all the alternatives available to man. You can choose what you will, but you can not control the outcome of those choices. Unlike the exploitive creations of man, Our Father in Heaven determines the consequences of your choices. Obedience will yield happiness while violation of His commandments will not.

Consider the lives of those individuals who create what for some are captivating images of life. They generally turn to the most vicious of the destructive influences they depict so appealingly in electronic media. They may be wealthy, but they are miserable. Truly the statement of Alma, an inspired prophet and compassionate father, is borne out in their lives: “wickedness never was happiness.”5  Oh, if I but had the power to cause individuals tempted to experiment with the alluring offerings of Lucifer to calmly analyze the inevitable consequences of such choices, fewer lives would be shattered by them. No one would ever sample a touch of poison to satisfy the curiosity of how it tastes. The outcome would be disastrous. In like manner no one can ever sample those things that are forbidden of God, as destructive of happiness, and corrosive to spiritual guidance, without tragic results. That’s all I feel to say of the problem because I trust you.

Through an analogy I want to suggest for you a pattern of protection against the beckoning evil around you. This light bulb is made of carefully selected materials—as are you. Its tungsten filament will not melt under intense heat—nor need you wither under the flame of challenge. The shield of glass encloses a pure noble gas. It assures that the glowing filament is protected from destruction by the surrounding oxygen, which for it is a contaminated atmosphere. In like manner, your righteous life, worthy parents, friends and the guidance of the Holy Ghost provide a protective shield for you. The bulb glows with light as it is connected to a power source. You radiate precious light to others as you remain solidly connected to the power of God. Avoid all influences that could shatter your shell.

Some say, “Well, my shell is strong, I’ve got a strong testimony.” I’ve heard someone say “I go to the clubs to help the needy.” And I say, be careful of that shell. [Breaks the bulb] Now what do I do? My protective shell is broken. Too often, when that occurs with violation of a commandment, Satan astutely comes and says, “Don’t worry. You keep doing what you’ve been doing, nobody will ever know the difference. I’ll give you another shell. A protective shell, same deal, you won’t have any problems.” But look what happens when I try to connect that shell to the power of God. [The bulb burns out] It is a fake shell. It’s filled with contamination. We know that the only way to rectify a broken protective shell is simply through the process of repentance with a judge in Israel, with someone who loves you, if you’ve made such a serious mistake, and will help you be connected again to the power of God in your life to give light, hope, and guidance to those around you. [Shows a new light bulb] I hope that will be a hook in your mind that when you look at a light bulb you remember the need of a protective shell.

The power of God comes into our lives as a natural consequence of obedience to His commandments and selfless service to His children. Service without obedience does not qualify and rarely is obedience alone sufficient. Yet as you strive your best to be obedient to truth and seek to serve others, He will work through you. Often you will receive the greatest benefit as He blesses others through your efforts to serve them. Sometimes you touch lives profoundly that you are not aware of being influenced by your actions.

One of the richest fruits of the Restoration are the scriptures. When understood and lived, the doctrines they contain powerfully motivate uplifting righteous behavior despite worldly decay. Our Father in Heaven knows His children. He knew that many would choose the wrong paths and that our period would be flooded with temptations of every order and iniquity in every corner. He also knew how you can live successfully in that environment. His scriptures tell you how it is done.

Consider these verses: “All things must come to pass in their time. [He knew the challenges we would face then gave this counsel.] Wherefore, be not weary in well–doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great. Behold, the Lord requireth the heart and a willing mind; and the willing and obedient shall eat the good of the land of Zion in these last days.” 6  That is a priceless promise. As you continue to center your mind and heart in Him, He will help you have a rich and full life no matter what happens in the world around you.

Your resolute study of the scriptures will distill guiding truth to your mind and heart. Yet, knowing truth does not alone release its power into your life. You must live it consistently so that the power of God with fortify your life and give you the strength to over come all that is destructive.

No matter how difficult the problems that surround you, the Lord knows how to resolve them. As you exercise faith, doing what you can, He will help you handle those things within your capacity. He will bring into your path others to help you. They could be parents who can provide answers, priesthood leaders who can counsel and advise, understanding faculty or administrative personnel, and friends who can give you support. Through the avenue of prayer and the path of inspiration, He will help you know what to do. It is a process that takes time to master, but knowing that it exists should give you great comfort as you face the difficult decisions you must now make in life.

The Lord puts challenges in your path to mold your character. For your own personal growth, He will often let you struggle with a matter for a while, even when you are pleading for help. But as you follow true principles, He will finally see you through. When you are near your limit, turn to Him for comfort, peace, and assistance. He will send it through the quiet prompting of the Spirit. He will give reassurance, guidance, and power that are essential to find solutions for the challenges of this world.

You are learning vital eternal lessons. Be sure you understand them. The Lord does not abandon your urgent pleas nor is He ever, for even a moment, unmindful of your anguish and heartache. He hears every supplication. He invariably answers according to spiritual law. Understanding that law will help you appreciate how the Lord answers your prayers. His silence and seeming absence at times are powerful means of expanding your vision and understanding as you continue in faith to do your best.

Seldom will you receive all at once a complete answer from the Lord. It will come a piece at a time. Inspiration comes in packets so that you will develop and grow and not remain as a child, given everything. Also so that you will appreciate it; give thanks for it; treasure it; and apply it. Moreover, it will seldom come as the prayer is offered, rather in quiet moments when the Spirit can most effectively touch your mind and heart. Hence the need for periods of quiet time to keep perspective and to be instructed and strengthened. Discover how a clean, neat, quiet place can enhance spiritual direction in your life. In quiet peaceful moments, like those you can enjoy in the Idaho Falls temple, and before long in your own temple here, seek to feel the love the Lord has for you personally. It is intense. It will enrich you life with peace, confidence, and contentment.

In closing I would share some of the innermost feelings of my heart. I do not know when I will have the opportunity to speak to you individually again. Though life seems difficult now, hold on to that iron rod of truth. You are making better progress than you realize. Your struggles are defining character, discipline, and a confidence in the promises of your Father in Heaven and the Savior as you consistently obey Their commandments. You are so important. You are so needed. There are so few willing to make the sacrifice you are making to live righteously. You will develop the sensitivity, love, and kindness to rejoice within the bonds of an eternal marriage. You will bless your children with insight the world can never give them. Your example will set the course of their life. You are needed to strengthen the growing kingdom of the Lord and to be the role models for so many who lack the light of truth you have.

With all the capacity that I possess, I counsel you to strengthen continually your testimony that there is in very deed, an Heavenly Father who is in control. You must come to really know more of God, through the scriptures, prayer and the testimonies of His chosen. Then He can guide you in every circumstance. He has a specific plan for your life. When needed He will reveal parts of that plan to you as you seek His guidance with faith and consistent obedience. You may have found portions of it realized already in your life. His Son has made you free - not from the consequences of your acts, but free to make choices. Your Father’s eternal purpose is for you to be successful in this mortal experience. No matter how wicked those in the world become you can have that blessing. Be attentive to the personal guidance given to you through the Holy Spirit. Continue to live worthy to receive it. Record it so that you can fulfill it. Then it will be available throughout your life.

I bear solemn testimony that I have been given an absolute witness that Jesus Christ lives. As you avoid the pitfalls of Satan by following the principles that we have discussed, I bear witness that He will guide you to the correct choices in the critical matters of your life. He loves you. It is through his influence that you are here on this unique campus. We love you, we need you, we trust you. In the holy name of the Savior, I invoke a blessing upon you, that through the Spirit you’ll be prompted in those important decisions of your life and be fortified against the fiery darts of the evil one, and recognize that all the fruits of a glorious life are within reach. You can have them. I know He lives. I am His witness. Humbly I bear that witness as an expression of love and gratitude to you in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

  1. Gordon B. Hinckley, Worldwide Leadership Training Meeting; January 10, 2004.
  1. (Gordon B. Hinckley, in Conference Report, Oct. 2003; orEnsign, November 2003, 4-5.)
  1. Conference Report, Oct. 2002, orEnsign, Nov. 2002.
  1. Gordon B. Hinckley, Worldwide Leadership Training Meeting; January 10, 2004.
  1. Alma 41:10.
  1. D&C 64:33-34.

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