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Becoming a Blessing

Audio: Becoming a Blessing
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I, like you, am here because of a loved one who is graduating from Brigham Young University–Idaho. My grandson is graduating today in Science and Computer Training.  But I’d like to give you my testimony.

We have heard from President Clark. We will hear from Elder Eyring. These are men who functioned at the highest level of academe: Harvard, Stanford, MIT. And they followed a prophet’s voice when they were called and asked to serve and to change their lives.

That is what each one of us must understand. That when we think of the Spirit, when we think of little Samuel, when he was laying in his bed, awakened three times and went to Eli the high priest, and finally Eli said to him, “Go back to your bed. And the next time the voice comes to you, don’t come and wake me up.  You listen and say, speak Lord for thy servant heareth.”  And I will add, “And will do what thou commandest.”

You are not here by accident. You are here and have gained the knowledge which you’ve gained to go forward into the world; to follow the charge of the governor to better your homes, to better your states, and to better your nation; to follow the counsel the president has given you and what Elder Eyring will give.

And that is you are responsible to have the Spirit to be with you, to strengthen yourselves, and to lift others up.  I give you my testimony that God lives and that Jesus is the Christ. And that because of that testimony which we have, we can withstand the fiery darts of the adversary. Stay true and faithful, stay on that straight and narrow path that leads to the tree of eternal life that we may return to our Heavenly Father with our families, to be able to have the eternal blessing to be with them forever.  That we may do so, I so pray in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.