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Go to the Temple!

Nate Watson - “Go to the Temple”

A Brigham Young University - Idaho devotional address by Nate Watson entitled “Go to the Temple” given on August 1, 2023 at the Hinckley Chapel.
Audio: "Go to the Temple!"
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I’ll never forget the opportunities I had to go to the Idaho Falls Idaho Temple while growing up. I looked forward to these occasions and loved being able to go and do baptisms for the dead with the other youth in my ward. This great love to go to the temple may selfishly have been influenced by the anticipation of watching Johnny Lingo over and over in the waiting area, or mostly the anticipation of eating scones and chocolate pie afterward in the temple cafeteria. However, it was much more than that. It was a feeling! A feeling of love, a feeling of peace, a feeling of protection, and most importantly, a feeling that being in the temple was where I was supposed to be.

President Russell M. Nelson said:

"If you don’t yet love to attend the temple, go more often—not less. Let the Lord, through His Spirit, teach and inspire you there. I promise you that over time, the temple will become a place of safety, solace, and revelation."[1]

Have you ever had the thought come to your mind, I need to go to the temple? I know I have. Now, think about members of the Church throughout the world and the sacrifices they make to go to the temple. The cost and time alone spent traveling for some is a significant sacrifice. But for them, it is worth it.

Roselinda Godi and her two children, Ayanda and Sibusiso, are from Harare, Zimbabwe. Roselinda and Ayanda were baptized as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 2006. Ayanda was 16 years old at that time. Then a few months later, Ayanda’s 12-year-old brother, Sibusiso, was also baptized.

Roselinda was a single parent with two teenage kids to take care of, and she was doing all she could do to provide an income to give the very best she could to her children. She was also busy serving as the Primary president in her ward. She made a commitment not to miss church, to attend temple prep class each Sunday after church, to change her ways, and to be obedient to all the commandments.

After a few years, a missionary couple serving in Harare helped to organize a temple trip. The closest temple was in Johannesburg, South Africa, a little over 13 hours away. Roselinda would need to pay financially for the cost of travel to the temple, for accommodations, and for meals. The Church offered to help cover some of the cost for those going, but Roselinda politely declined so others who didn’t have enough financially could also go. She eventually had her temple recommend interview, in which she was issued her temple recommend.

She negotiated for time off from work and then found herself on the bus headed to Johannesburg. It was a two-day trip, one way, during the winter season. They were met with a few challenges along the way, including delays at the border, the front left tire bursting, causing the bus to veer off the road, and some health issues for some of the brethren traveling with them.

Finally, after a five-year wait, Roselinda was able to attend the Johannesburg South Africa Temple in 2011. Her wait to go to the temple didn’t go without sacrifice. She said, “For me, I’d look at this sacrifice not as such but as a blessing. The preparation was not easy, which is often the case with something we deeply desire to achieve.”

The best part for Roselinda was the feeling she got as she entered the temple. She said, “It is indescribable! It was amazing!” She experienced peace and joy as she had never known before. She knew then and there that the Lord was inside and, if possible, this is where she would want to be all the time. It is the place where she can properly hear Him, unburden herself, and let Him work miracles in her life. It’s this feeling that keeps her seeking to go to the temple, and she has never looked back!

President Thomas S. Monson said:

"Why are so many willing to give so much in order to receive the blessings of the temple? Those who understand the eternal blessings which come from the temple know that no sacrifice is too great, no price too heavy, no struggle too difficult in order to receive those blessings. There are never too many miles to travel, too many obstacles to overcome, or too much discomfort to endure. They understand that the saving ordinances received in the temple that permit us to someday return to our Heavenly Father in an eternal family relationship and to be endowed with blessings and power from on high are worth every sacrifice and every effort. As you and I go to the holy houses of God, as we remember the covenants we make within, we will be more able to bear every trial and to overcome each temptation. In this sacred sanctuary we will find peace; we will be renewed and fortified. May we follow in the footsteps of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who made the ultimate sacrifice for us, that we might have eternal life and exaltation in our Heavenly Father’s kingdom."[2]When I became a student at Ricks College, there wasn’t a temple in Rexburg. Thankfully, the Idaho Falls Temple was only 30 minutes away. In October 1999, I was able to go through the Idaho Falls Temple and receive my temple endowment. Like Roselinda said, it was indescribable! It was amazing! Then, a few years after I had returned home from my mission, I was recommended to serve as a temple worker in the Idaho Falls Temple. I remember the special feeling I had when I was set apart as an ordinance worker. This is what I was supposed to be doing. Then, as a student at BYU-Idaho, I would make the short drive from Rexburg to Idaho Falls as often as I could. As I went to the temple, again and again, I felt a feeling of love, a feeling of peace, a feeling of protection, and most importantly, a feeling that being in the temple was where I was supposed to be.

Do you realize what you can feel and learn by just going to the temple? Whether going to the temple to participate in temple ordinances or simply just visiting the temple grounds, we can feel our Savior’s love and we can be taught truths about the gospel of Jesus Christ.

As occasion has permitted, I have tried to attend a temple, go to a temple open house, or simply just visit the temple grounds. I’ve now been to 28 temples, which is only 16% of current temples. With another 48 under construction and another 89 that have been announced, the number of temples is increasing, allowing more of God’s children to receive His blessings and to feel of His love.

President Nelson said, “Temples are a crowning part of the Restoration of the fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ. In God’s goodness and generosity, He is bringing the blessings of the temple closer to His children everywhere.”[3]

On April 3, 2016, President Thomas S. Monson announced the building of a temple in Harare, Zimbabwe.

Before the Harare Zimbabwe Temple was even announced, Roselinda had created a vision board. A vision board is a collage of images and words representing a person's wishes or goals, intended to serve as inspiration or motivation. Roselinda’s vision board could be seen the moment someone walked into her home. One of the things she had put on her vision board was, “I’m going to serve in the Harare Zimbabwe Temple.”

Then, during an interview for the Church Newsroom, a missionary couple serving in Harare asked Roselinda what gave her the idea that they were going to have a temple in Zimbabwe. Her answer was, “I have a feeling that Heavenly Father is going to give us one for ourselves because He knows we desire it.”

During a visit to Harare, Zimbabwe, in 2018, President Russell M. Nelson spoke to a group of more than 4,000 gathered Latter-day Saints and said, “This is a sight that I shall always remember . . . You deserve a temple here in Harare because that’s where we get the highest of all the blessings that God can give to His faithful children.”[4]

In Isaiah, we read:

"And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it.And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem."[5]Like her mom, Rosalinda, Ayanda is one who has built her foundation upon Jesus Christ. She moved from Harare, Zimbabwe, to Rexburg, Idaho, in 2010 to be a student at BYU-Idaho, where I met her.

Before leaving Zimbabwe, Ayanda didn’t have the opportunity to attend the temple. But now, here in Rexburg, she was within walking distance of a temple. Here, she was getting to see the temple every single day. Being fairly new in the gospel, this was fun and exciting for her because of how different and new it was.

Eventually, she was able to receive her limited-use recommend and start attending the temple to do baptisms for the dead. Then, in 2015, Ayanda was able to go through the Bountiful Utah Temple and receive her temple endowment. The temple is a part of who Ayanda is.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Ayanda learned just how much the temple meant to her when she wasn’t able to attend. So, when the temples opened again, she started going weekly and loved it so much!

Then in October 2022, President Nelson said, “I promise that increased time in the temple will bless your life in ways nothing else can.”[6]

So, Ayanda started thinking about ways she could spend more time in the temple. She talked with her bishop about being a temple worker, and her name was recommended to her stake president. Now she is serving as an ordinance worker in the Jordan River Utah Temple. She serves on Thursday evenings and Saturday mornings and attends weekly on Tuesdays. Ayanda said, “Being in the house of the Lord has been such a blessing. There is so much joy, there is protection, there is so much learning—it is all amazing!” Ayanda loves going to the temple! Our family has been blessed to learn from the example of Ayanda. Since meeting her in 2013, we have become lifelong friends.

President Nelson stated:

"The temple lies at the center of strengthening our faith and spiritual fortitude because the Savior and His doctrine are the very heart of the temple. Everything taught in the temple, through instruction and through the Spirit, increases our understanding of Jesus Christ. His essential ordinances bind us to Him through sacred priesthood covenants. Then, as we keep our covenants, He endows us with His healing, strengthening power. And oh, how we will need His power in the days ahead.We have been promised that 'if [we] are prepared [we] shall not fear.'[7] This assurance has profound implications today. The Lord has declared that despite today’s unprecedented challenges, those who build their foundations upon Jesus Christ, and have learned how to draw upon His power, need not succumb to the unique anxieties of this era."

When you bring your temple recommend, a contrite heart, and a seeking mind to the Lord’s house of learning, He will teach you.[8]

Recently, Katie and I had the opportunity to attend the open house for the Helena Montana Temple with our six children. This is what our children said about the experience: Jayden said she felt the Holy Ghost and that Jesus was happy she was there. She liked the cows! Rilyn said she felt calm, good, and peaceful, and when she went into the celestial room, she felt happy. Brooklyn said she felt the Spirit. She felt happy and felt like Jesus was there. Hudson said he felt the Spirit and felt good inside. He loved the celestial room. Mason said he loved going because of how good he felt. He knows that he will be strengthened and that the work he does there is giving people in heaven a chance to be with Jesus and Heavenly Father. Dallin said he felt peace. He felt close to his ancestors. He felt close to his Heavenly Father and knows he can help gather Israel. This was an amazing experience for our family!

My wife, Katie said, “I love the temple! I always get excited when I see it shining in the dark at night, a light that cannot be hid. I feel like it is a representation of the personal light and direction that I can receive when I go. If you take a step back and really think about the work that is going on inside hour by hour, day by day, and year by year, it truly is a miracle. Covenants are made, blessings are given, service is rendered, hearts are healed, families are united, prayers are pleaded, and God is heard! It really is a part of heaven and that is why I go, my soul longs for the light of the temple.”

The Helena Montana Temple was dedicated on June 18th of this year. This was a special occasion for my wife and for her family. Having lived in Helena, Montana, and some of the surrounding areas since 1989, this is a huge blessing for them.

I asked my mother-in-law, “Why do you go to the temple?” She said, “I definitely go to the temple for all of the obvious reasons—peace, learning, answers to prayers, serving our ancestors, and feeling close to Heavenly Father and to our Savior. But, if I were to choose one main reason why I go to the temple, it would be for my family. We have been blessed to have 17 children, 11 who have come home through adoption. Because of this, a lot of our children have been able to be in the temple from a young age, either being sealed to our family for eternity or watching their siblings being sealed to our family for eternity.”

She continued:

“Being gathered with my children in the temple for sealings of new children, sealings of our children to their spouses, doing an endowment session with our children when we visit them, and now serving in the Helena Montana Temple with two of our children that are preparing for missions has given me a glimpse into heaven and eternal life more than anything else. I have seen miracles in our lives and in my children’s lives because of going to the temple.“I go to the temple because in the temple I get to experience what eternity will be like, and eternity without my husband and without my children is not an eternity I want. The temple is the house of the Lord and I feel the love of the Lord for me and my family every time I go. How grateful I am to be able to go to the temple!” These experiences helped me with the questions that were posted to the devotional discussion board. The responses have been fantastic!

Amy James said, “I go to the temple to find peace and comfort whenever I am feeling stressed and need to feel just a little closer to my Heavenly Father. When I go to the temple, I feel loved and surrounded by the Spirit.”

Susanna Lee said, “I go to the temple because it feels like home. I am able to let everything go, relax, and reset as I feel the love of God.”

Our prophet said, “Let us never lose sight of what the Lord is doing for us now. He is making His temples more accessible. He is accelerating the pace at which we are building temples. He is increasing our ability to help gather Israel. He is also making it easier for each of us to become spiritually refined.”[9]

Brothers and sisters, I know that temples are consecrated, that they are dedicated, and that they are holy. At the entrance of every temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we see the phrase, “Holiness to the Lord – The House of the Lord.” When you go to any dedicated temple, you are going to the house of the Lord. The temple is a place where we can feel peace, a place where we can receive answers, a place where Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ will be, and the Holy Ghost will testify of that to us when we are there.

We read from the Church’s website:

"The temple is set apart from the distractions, stresses, and negative influences of life. In this holy place, you are reminded that you and your loved ones are here on earth for a grand and noble purpose. You will find greater peace, comfort, guidance, and hope.You will also find that the blessings of the temple will enter your heart and lift your soul. Return to the temple as often as you can. As you do, you will understand more about the love God and Jesus Christ have for you and all people."[10]

As Brother Steve Adams stated in his devotional address last week, “Your Heavenly Father knows what the best possible blessings are for you. My friends, the Lord loves you and desires to bless you. He stands with open arms to receive you. I pray you will dedicate yourself to His cause and accept His love.”[11]

Do you need a spiritual boost? Then go to the temple! The temple can and will heal our spiritual wounds. Look to the temple! It will increase your understanding, it will give you eyes to see Him, it will give you ears to hear Him, and most importantly, it will allow you to bear witness of Him. Take time for the Lord! The blessing you will receive by going to the temple—not only while being here at BYU-Idaho, but throughout your life—will be instrumental for you and will be eternal. Soon, we will have another temple in Rexburg, providing more opportunities to serve. Temple service will bring continued blessings into the lives of those who go often to the temple.

In Preparing to Enter the Holy Temple, we read:

"The temple is a great school. It is a house of learning. In the temples the atmosphere is maintained so that it is ideal for instruction on matters that are deeply spiritual. . . .What we gain from the temple will depend to a large degree on what we take to the temple in the way of humility and reverence and a desire to learn. If we are teachable, we will be taught by the Spirit, in the temple."[12]

I love to go to the temple! I hope I can continue to go to as many temples as possible. So I can serve in them. So I can feel the presence of those on the other side of the veil. So I can continue to feel of our Savior and Heavenly Father’s love and continue to receive the highest of all the blessings that God can give to His faithful children. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen!


[1] Russell M. Nelson, “The Temple and Your Spiritual Foundation,” Liahona, Nov. 2021,

[2] Thomas S. Monson, “The Holy Temple—a Beacon to the World General Conference,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2011,

[3] Russell M. Nelson, “Go Forward in Faith,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2020, https://

[4] Russell M. Nelson, quoted in “President Nelson Completes Africa Tour in Zimbabwe,” April 18, 2018,

[5] Isaiah 2:2–3.

[6] Russell M. Nelson, “Focus on the Temple,” Liahona, Nov. 2022,

[7] Doctrine and Covenants 38:30; see also Doctrine and Covenants 10:55.

[8] Russell M. Nelson, “The Temple and Your Spiritual Foundation.”

[9] Russell M. Nelson, “Focus on the Temple.”

[10] “Prepare for the House of the Lord,” The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,

[11] Steve Adams, “Integrity and Grace,” BYU-Idaho Devotional, July 25, 2023,

[12] Preparing to Enter the Holy Temple (Salt Lake City, UT: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 2002).