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Paulette Jordan on Running Against Senator Jim Risch

BYU-Idaho Radio · Conversation with Idaho Democratic Candidate for U.S. Senate Paulette Jordan

Paulette Jordan is the democratic candidate nominee for U.S. Senate in Idaho and went on tour through Southeastern Idaho recently.  

Jordan was the democratic candidate for governor back in 2018 and has now been selected to run for U.S Senate against incumbent Sen. Jim Risch for this election cycle.  

“I have been asked to run for this U.S. Senate seat against our current representative because he has not served our state well,” Jordan said, “and knowing that there is a great need for our people, I am always going to answer the call for those needs.” 

Jordan said that young voices have the potential for great impact in this election.  

“It’s exciting because we have a lot of young people who are taking interest into the race and wanting to do more,” Jordan said.  

When working with the house of representatives for the state of Idaho, she said that she believed in working independent of party lines to serve the people of Idaho based on their needs. 

“Seeing that level of success, when people can come together and put their party affiliations or differences aside,” Jordan said, “Coming together on specific issues, that really truly makes a difference.” 

Jordan said students can make a difference in elections if they are given the correct information and know their rights. 

For more information about Jordan’s campaign and to see what her political stance is you can visit her website at

To listen to our interview with Sen. Jim Risch, click here.   

BYU-Idaho Radio · Interview with U.S. Senator for Idaho Jim Risch